The Book

Write about an ancient artifact that has captured the imagination and curiosity of the people of your world.   On the small island across the ___ Sea, there is a culture who has a book. The origins of the Book are unknown, but there are many tales told as to how it came to be.    One tale is told of a BigLander coming to the island, because the Wind willed him there. His conveyance was destroyed on the rocks and he survived with only the rags on his back - long flowing white robes. He had a bag that washed ashore after he did, containing things that were harmed by the Waters - bread, a box of seeds or leaves or earth or something, a knife (rather worn and in need of sharpening), and The Book. He was taken to The Elder who deemed him a guest from The Many, and so was granted a month to stay and recover before he had to return to his people, his chapel, and his land. During that time, the BigLander tried to teach the People of the things in The Book, including reading and writing, and he prayed - that is he spoke to The Many in his own voice, as one does to family, without fear of the Sky Terrors. The Elder did not feel this was appropriate and the BigLander left mysteriously in the middle of the night during a particularly strong Storm. He was gone, but The Book stayed on.   Another tale is told that The Book washed up on shore, alone. It was found by children playing in the low tide, and they took it to The Elder who could understand the language and the pictures. The Elder then told his Council, who then told their families, until everyone in the Tribe was aware of The Book. Everyone wanted to know more, and suddenly The Many had names. And there were special words to say to each that made the Sky Waters come, or that the People would be successful in battle, or that the harvest would be plentiful.    Still another tale involves a BigLander who came, trying to give or sell things to the People that they neither needed nor wanted - shiny disks called "Coins" or some such, breakable cups that could not be remade without special Fire, "Plate Armor" that was metal but so loud that hunters and those in battle could not hear their quarry, robes made from strange animals with names like "Velvet" or items made from strange metals like "Steel"... This BigLander said that the People should exchange the "Coins" for the other things he brought, that the People would "Pay" for the gifts. He saved The Book to the last - a special gift he tried to "sell" to the Wife of The Elder, as he thought she was in charge of all rituals. The Elder saw that the BigLander was a threat, and gave him the option to leave peacefully and take all of this that he had brought with him so as not to poison the land. The BigLander said he would do these things, but would leave The Book, so that the People would know of "Civilization" and could come to join him on the Big Land. The Book was left in the Sun and the Wind and the Rain, as it was not to be trusted. And there it stayed, and would be there still, but that one youngling found it and asked The Elder to explain the words and pictures inside. And as stories bring People together, so the Tribe came to listen to the Words and see the Images, and the People all learned that The Many had names ...   The Elder has since gone to ground, but is still watching that these traditions continue. None knows the age of The Book, but that it is many cycles since The Elder in the story has gone to ground.     The Book is old and many pages are water-stained. The ink of the writing and of the illustrations has smeared, causing much of the lettering to be indecipherable. This book has been venerated as The Source of all knowledge and wisdom related to The Many, the pantheon of Gods and Goddesses that the culture reveres and prays to for all their needs. Each page tells the story of the God or Goddess, their signs/symbols, their area of concern/expertise, favored colors/animals/ritual elements, and other facts necessary to please that Deity. And The Book has The Many in an order which the People have decided is their order of preference, so now all of the People can recite the List of The Many as they pray or thank or bless each One for their Gifts. Over time, the words have faded and smeared, so the Names of The Many on the land of the People are not the same as the Names of The Many on the Big Land.


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