The Bronze Company

The Gothmyri West Border Mercenary Company

The Bronze Company is a mercenary end-of-the-line company that takes almost anyone to fill their ranks: from seventh sons to convicted murderers, to fallen paladins and exiled Occultists. The mercenary company is under no political rule, but the company is known to always obey orders from the Prince-King of Gothmyr. Most in the company were convicted prisoners, deserters from the army, or other unfavorable men and women; that being said, the irony of having them take action on the words of the same crown that convicted them does not go unnoticed.

The Bronze Company is currently camped in the west at Flussec, just outside of Kings Pass where the Bluestone Mountains meet the Westwatch Mountains. They are keeping additional 'Griffons' in the Kings Pass, protecting explorers, merchants and other citizens from the dangers of the encroaching WildReach.

Current Master General is Rudgard Vassal. He is a huge, barrel chested man from Olto, with gray short cropped hair, a huge handlebar mustache meeting his long beard. Vassal has been the Master General for thirteen winters, and been a general member for twice that time.

Most times, Lieutenants and Corporals are often sent into visiting or passing towns, emptying the prisons and dungeons, taking the convicted prisoners as conscripted Company men. Men or women are taken outside of town, and given a choice: "Swear to the shield, and join the Bronze Company, or be freed into the WildReach." If the prisoner refuses to choose, or refuses those options, they are put to death right then and there, hanged outside the town. The only indication as to who their killers are is a plain bronze medallion around their stretched neck. Most opt to be freed in the WildReach, but never knowing what that entails.
Once the Bronze Company gets to Flussec, the prisoners/new recruits are again asked to choose. Most at that point choose to join the Bronze Company. Those who still choose the WildReach are approached by Members of the Company who remove chains and shackles, and all clothing. The recruits are given rusty short swords or axes and one at a time, escorted to the end of the King's Pass, passing through a tunnel of mercenaries. From there, the field commander announces, "You will be given thirty seconds to remove your evil naked self from the sight of the Bronze Company before archers will begin firing upon you." They are pushed into the edge of the WildReach.

Those prisoners/new recruits who choose to join the Company are taken into a tent, sign the Chronicler's Book, and given a new name. Their old name is not to be used again until they are dead. This is a lifetime appointment - no one can leave the Company except through death. Names fill the Company's roster like "Books" , "Goblin" and "Poker". These are the names of Company members until their last breath.

There are two ways of being promoted while within the Company. Thirty-seven titles and ranks are possible to claim within the ranks. First, you can buy a promotion. Each rank must be held for a full winter, before you can rise again to a new rank. You earn coin while in the Company and that coin is the only currency you can use to pay for your promotion.
Secondly, you can be promoted by someone higher than you if your immediate superior dies.
Anyone killing those ranked above them, are killed without question. as justice within the Company is "an eye for an eye".

Company Coins:
Each ten-day, the base footmen are paid 2 Company Coins. Company coins are simple bronze coins, stamped with the concentric circles of a shield, and the other side stamped with a magical script of ancient wording. The collection of these coins is income and can be used to buy things from within Flussec, as well as the Company camp. New boots, or an extra bag of flour, or a whetstone or even ale can be bought to supplement the equipment and food given freely to each company member. Company coins are worth 1/10 a copper piece in any other town in Gothmyr, but any company man can turn a company coin for two silver. Most realize the low pay is not worth exchanging the bronze coins for silver, as the company coins will get you much much more, while in the camp.
These coins and their collection is what is used to "buy" your promotion. Some use the coins as currency within the ranks between the company men. "Take my watch, I'll pay you a coin," or "I bet you five coins we don't find a single goblin next trek." These exchanges are common, since most within the Bronze Company carry their coins on them, as the ranks are full of thieves and murderers anyhow! Once a footman decides he wants a promotion, he speaks to another higher ranking company man and requests the promotion. The rest of the company is alerted and anyone else may use their coins to apply against the petitioner. Each member "pays" a secret amount of company coins, and at the end, winner's coins are kept, and losers gain theirs back (minus a few for the bother of counting). Frequently superiors are paid off, extortion and favoritism are not unheard of, but mostly the skills of the gifted show with their deeper pockets. The Master General makes final decision.

The Bronze Company often opens its recruitment to the general public, as refilling their ranks is always needed. Hunting/fighting and surviving the WildReach is not an easy task. Most third or more sons, or widowed young women, or adventurers down on their luck find themselves swearing on the Bronze Shield and signing their name, to be promised food, a cot, and some protection.


Watch Captain Lion (Fighter)

Squad Captain Shine (Foresworn)

Belts (Ranger)

Jangles Seeker

Tips Seeker

Master General Vassal

Commander Jigs

Sergeant Chopper

Guild, Fighter / Mercenary


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