The Floating Kings of Kings Watch

The Kings of Kings Watch
The Descendant Protectors

"I saw one float by twenty minutes or so, so I crept out of the shadows and back to that backdoor. Picks and tools came out fast enough, I tell ya, but soon as i got the first tumbla' turned, I hear the soft hum of magic. I turned to see yet another of those feckin' suits of kings standing in the air behind me about fifty feet high. I dropped the picks when the old armor helmet turned me way. Sure as the bear is in Bretto I ran as fast as my feet could carry me. Blue energy come crashing behind me as his eyes fired electricity, trying to shock tha life outta me! Honest to the Fourteen, I felt like I sat on an electric eel, but I kep' on runnin'. He stopped following me and turned away soon. I sit here today, honest and never sneak-pickin another lock... on me life!"
- Jeremy Kraster, Kings Watch
  Imagine a city, so huge and massive, the towns' guard could barely keep the peace, and having the men to watch every alley and back road would be impossible. Then imagine more than a dozen floating suits of sealed armor flying above the city. Each suit of armor, a previous ruler of Kings Watch, floating over the city and keeping a watchful vigil over Kings Watch. Nearly two dozen of the previous kings of Gothmyr, all continuing to protect the city and her people.

During the First Age, the kings of Kings Watch began a tradition of entombing their leaders in suits of armor upon death. Soon magics were discovered that empowered these suits, allowing them certain powers, and even to give a semblance of their former soul and memories back to the entombed corpse. Each King who took the throne swore an oath to defend the city and nation, even beyond death. The bodies were magically sealed into the armor, and given flight. This is a royal secret, and only the select few who help create a newly dead king's armor know of this fact. Most people of Kings Watch believe the suit is an empty golem honorific of the dead king. The vigilant guardians float around the city, keeping the streets of Kings Watch safe.
Dark elven understanding of prosthetics and working with Adamantine help make the suit sturdy, yet still bendable at joints. The suit is completely sealed physically and magically. Each suit of armor represents a former king and each has a unique look (usually the armor fashion of that king's era).

The suits seem to have magical defenses as well as offensive capabilities. Various spells seem to be able to be cast, but some suits prefer lightning based attacks, while others prefer cold. It seems that the preference to the suit is indicative to the king inside it when he was alive. As for defenses, most ne'er-do-wells do not attempt to attack a "Kingsuit"as it seems nigh impenetrable as well, as most magic of lower levels seems to actually be absorbed into the suit, further powering it.
  There are multiple massive columns fifty feet tall scattered throughout the city, some atop buildings and some just on the corners of intersecting streets. Often these pillars are landing spot of the suits, as they seem not able to fly indefinitely. Often they will perch upon the columns and watch down on the city, turning in their spot to survey their protectorate.

There are currently 13 suits of armor. they are:
  • The Dark King
  • The Skull King
  • The Purple King
  • The Shield King
  • The Gold King
  • The Crown King
  • The Lion King
  • The Eagle King
  • The Sword King
  • The Brass King
  • The Blue King
  • The Thunder King
  • The Lapis King
  Less than half a dozen people know which king came first, and even less know what order the Kings Armor came into being.
Everyone within Kings Watch knows the fact that the last king was entombed in the Armor of platinum and lapis lazuli. King Jeggred the XII has been named "the Lapis king".
He usually is seen floating around the castle, and perching on various locations on the top of the Royal Wall.

The Dark King

The Skull King

The Purple King


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