The Ghosts of Grotmere

The Lost Ghosts of Grotmere

"We checked the quivers, a few arrows remained. The smoking corpses of the three battalions of soldiers all laying in cold mud, as the others limped along or moved to find clean bandages. The army of orcs was not the downfall of the keep's defense. The orc shamans and ogre magi that led their horde wielded magic the men of the keep could not deflect. Davis coughed blood onto his coif as his burns of his face rubbed the skin raw. The moans of the remaining fifteen troops barely able to stand were told there would be backup coming...two tendays ago.
We tried to regroup as a mist crept across the fields and into the keep walls. The entire ground was obscured as the moans of the dying were replaced with an eerie silence. Then a regiment of thirty warriors, wearing antique steel armor apparated from the mists. Like ghosts, they silently leapt from crenellation to beam to ladder, and finally out into the field, just as the orc army was approaching. We never heard another sound except for the orcs and ogres dying, the misfiring of spells and screams of retreat. The ghosts strode back towards the keep, covered in orc blood, and one etched a word in the side of the keep with his single finger,
After that, they walked through the walls of the keep but disappeared, not coming out the other side! Davis and I were the only two who survived...because of those ghosts."
When battle rages long, and the bodies become hills for others to climb and die upon, when hope is lost defending a holdfast with fewer than 1/3 of the attacking forces.. the mists rise and the Ghosts of Grotmere arrive to help. Mysterious and almost legend, the Ghosts of Grotmere are warriors with no banner. They only carry heraldry from four Ages past and fight with a supernatural stamina and ferocity. Normal iron and steel seem to do no permanent damage to them as they appear just as all hope is lost, seeming to arrive to save any Gothmyri army or warriors, otherwise left to die.

Their name is known only because they sometimes will write the name "Grotmere" in old tongue on walls. Grotmere is the original name of the nation of Gothmyr during the First Age. Rumor is these men are the first men to spill blood on the lands called Grotmere and are destined to stay and protect others.
The Lost Ghosts of Grotmere seem to only appear within the national borders of Gothmyr.

They seem to have no recognized leader, as they all seem to act and move like they can speak telepathically. They act and move as a unit better than any living army on Edus.   History:
No one knows the true history of the Ghosts of Grotmere. Some call them the First Killed Sons of Gothmyr, while others claim they are cursed beings who were the ones to betray the fledgling nation during the First Age, doomed to protect it for eternity.
The first mention of sighting the Ghosts of Grotmere was in 850AB, during a siege of a town called Purlin by a Baron-turned-warlord. He killed almost every citizen, poisoning the wells and killing the crops, and as the last fifteen soldiers of the town's militia held up in the holdfast, they claimed that some thirty men and women in ancient armor came on a thick mist. These wraiths began killing the baron's army to fourteen, leaving the Baron making his army of fifteen an even match the the remaining holdfast soldiers. History scrolls and other books mention other sightings, but never confirmed.


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