The Mentari

The Children of The Elements

As for the true denizens of the other planes, some find they prefer living on the Prime Material plane. One of these denizens is the Mentari.
The Mentari is a race of people who can claim elemental genies and spirits as part of their ancestral bloodline. These powers once roamed the Prime Material plane without regulations and sought out the elven people as a suitable mate. This breeding of races caused the same hybrid race as half elves. The Mentari retain some of the likenesses of their original elemental ancestor, but mainly resemble their elven heritage.
A fire Mentari resembles an elf caught in a volcano’s fire lava light. Reddish skin with reddish hair. Eyes yellow with a rim of red, or white. Their temper is reminiscent of the explosive energy of a volcano or a warehouse ablaze. Water Mentari are bluish green skinned, almost mistaken for an aquatic elf, with greenish silver hair or yellow hair with deep blue eyes. Air and earth Mentari are similarly linked to their element in appearance. Many Mentari are originally from the region of Anwar, as there is a large community and city of Mentari living deep in the jungle covered mountains. The race has emerged from isolation and collectively has decided to share the surface of Edus with the other races. More and more Mentari have been seen around the lands of man and elf.


Average Height" 4’ – 6’
Urth Mentari- Brown-grey skin, deep set dark eyes, slow and purposeful and strong willed.
+2STR/ -1 CHA, -1DEX

Water Mentari- Blue to green hued skin, hair flowing and eyes like pools, dynamic and adaptable, yet firm.
+2INT/ -1WIS, -1CON

Air Mentari- White or blue hued skin or hair, hair always moving in breeze, flighty and capricious.
+2DEX/ -1STR,-1CON

Fire Mentari- Red to tan skin, orange to red eyes, hair moving like a flame, rash, rude and quick to anger. +2STR/ -1INT, -1CON


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