The Nightmare Duke

The Nightmare Duke

The Nightmare Duke is a supernatural being that is known to hunt for souls and bodies for his collection. The Nightmare Duke is regarded as the "Boogie Man" for adults and children alike within the kingdoms of the North. He shows up whenever someone is killed but only if that someone has a red "blood coin" on their person. He collects the coin and the body of the dead, taking it back to his tower, with the help of his hell-born demons.

Accounts of seeing him differ, but what they do have in common is this: A tall, over 6'tall male figure in red layered armor with silver metal cut into spiked shapes atop. A tattered cloak, the color of fresh blood with a hood that fades to brown-red with metal adorning the crown. Long leather throng strips hand from his back and hips, ending with wicked curved spiked blades the size of a thumb. The red cloak seems to move on its own against the wind and takes the shape of a portal behind him from time to time. Inside the cloak seems to be hundred and hundred of small imp-like creatures with wicked smiles full of sharp teeth and evil on their face.

No one knows who or what the Nightmare Duke really is or where he came from. He was known to be wandering the lands as far back as the Third Age. His reach has been felt as far North as Anistlav and Barasovia and far south as the Pirate isles and Al'Shiael. He is very active in Gothmyr, Barasovia and Anistlav.

Powers/ Abilities:
The Nightmare Duke enspells his own coins, Blood coins. These coins are given to a person and they are linked to the person's life force. Once the person dies, the Duke is alerted to the death and teleports, without error, near the corpse. He then reclaims the coin and his small, demonic minions take the body through a magical gate within the Duke's cloak. Once he has claimed the body and his coin, he will disappear off to claim another corpse. Anyone who has any type of interaction with him, is gifted a coin on their person. It is a localized curse around him within 30 feet in all directions. If you see him it is said he curses you, claiming your body and your soul.
The Nightmare Duke is a level 23 Fighter, Level 21 Wizard (necromancer/summoner). He is unaffected by any weapon of less than +4 enchantment, and cannot be harmed by any magic from the Necromanctic, or the conjuration schools of arcane magic. Divine magic from those spheres he saves for no damage. He wields a zweihander great sword, called "Soulcleave" which is a +4/+4 greatsword than is rumored to separate a being from their soul and turn them into a walking banshee or specter, under his command.

Blood Coins:
When a person comes into contact or area with the Nightmare Duke, he gifts them a blood coin. With this coin he can track each person, except into other planes. Once they die he is alerted and the Nightmare Duke appears and takes his coin and their body. The blood coin cannot be left, thrown away, or discarded. it will reappear in the pouch on on the person of the original holder. The only way to rid yourself of your coin is to gift it to someone who accepts the coin freely and they take the curse upon themselves. If they die, the Duke comes for them. If you see him or are near him again, you will receive another blood coin.
If any attempt to destroy the coin is attempted, the coin will reappear on the person within 12 hours. there have been no one that has removed a coin from their possession without someone else accepting the coin, thenĀ  that original person dies.

The Nightmare Duke rules over a single towerknown as the "Nightmare Tower", high in the Great Ice Wall, where the Twin Forks meet the Shadow Veil. The tower is made enitrely of corpses, with mortar used between them. he is building his tower constantly with the claimed remains of those cursed by his coin. He is building a tower, to be able to summon his Patron to Edus.

The Nightmare Duke has no superior on this plane, but he bends knee to his patron, Orcus.

His goal is to collect 666,666 bodies of innocent people to build his tower high enough to be able to complete the ritual to summon his patron, Orcus

Recent Events:

The Nightmare Tower - Home of the Duke


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