The Nine Hells

The Nine Hells

     Many wizards who research and find ways into one of the nine levels of Hell often find one trip is more than enough. It is a plane constantly at war and blood, gore, death and atrocities is as normal as greeting someone with a smile on Thaaed. It numbs one’s soul and it is rumored that prolonged exposure to Hell and its plane drains the soul so much you eventually cannot find the will to leave, calling Hell home.


Devils and Demons

     Along with the higher powers, there are lower powers of just as great a control over their planes. The demons and devils of the Nine Hells are constantly at war with each others, ruling over the nine levels. Each level of Hell has both a devil and demon in charge. Devils are the lawful side of evil, controlling with scary intelligence and superb torture of the soul. The demons of the levels of Hell are the chaotic side of evil, thrashing and slaying without a thought, showing the pure uncontrolled power of Hell.
     Both factions believe they should rule over the other, and use the helpless souls sent to the levels of Hell as soldiers in their fight against each other. The Noble devils are currently in control and have controlled the war to not spill onto Thaaed’s prime material plane, but then, that is the source of both side’s soldiers.


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