The Shadowed Veil

Region of the Eastern WildReach
The Shadowed Veil is a Northeastern region of the Wildreach. Dark, ancient forests, and ruined ages old cities dot the thick, almost non-traversable woods. Hectares and hectares of old forests with forgotten civilizations, secluded elven citadels, and wild halfling tribes. Regions of the Shadowed Veil are not like other sections of the WildReach. There is no known established towns or cities within the known borders of the Shadowed Veil. The region is ancient, inhospitable and dangerous.

The Shadowed Veil borders Gothmyr and the Iron Kingdoms Western Walls. The Shadowed Veil touches the North Forks region at it's north and the southern edge of the Shadowed Veil marks the northern shore of the Wilding Sea. An unnamed river marks the Shadowed Veil's western edge, before continuing with more traditional WildReach just North of the Golden Plains.

No one rules or commands the Shadowed Veil s a whole. No one Warlord of Emperor or Queen claims the Shadowed Veil.

Rumors abound, such as the Shadowed Veil is the touch-point of the Shadowfay, and many portals exist within. Others claim it a land cursed much like Ravenshold. Whatever truths there are, it is known that monster run amok and the civilized people within live with daily threat of death around every tree trunk.

There is a few things within the Shadowed Veil that is hard sought from many across the Known kingdoms.
  • Shadowelm - dark magically favorable wood.
  • Ventraso roots - bulbous, sinewey tubers of purple with black streaks. tastes like licorice and sugar.
  • Arrowhead Mushrooms- fungi with angular steep mushroom caps. used in poisons and pain killers.
  • Black Poppy - heavy and overpowered painkiller and anesthetic. used in Strong medecine and drugs.
  • Calloveer Reeds - Razorsharp thick reeds used to make high quality quills and natural needles.
  • Boneworm sap -
  • Darkpaw fur -
  • Ink elk eyes-
  • Ink Elk Horns-

The one and only known permanent settlement in the Shadowed Veil is a large fortified frontier town called Ankor-Mellot. It is a large wooden-palisade surrounded town of forty-six buildings huddled together tightly in defiance to the almost constant barrage of shadow and claw.

Ankor-Mellot fights for its independence as well as its survival. The town is wary of visitors as well as anyone calling the Shadowed Veil home. Most in town set upon newcomers in a quest to prove their worth and that they are worth yto live in Ankor-Mellot. Resources as well as food are scarce around Ankor-Mellot, So proving you belong and want to help the town defend itself is utmost of importance. 
  Stub Artcle


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