The Twelve Iron Kings

The Twelve Iron Kings Lords and Ladies who rule the Iron Kingdoms
The twelve children of the dead King O'Donnell are the current rulers of the Iron Kingdom. Unfortunately, each believes themselves the true King/Queen. The Iron Kingdom became the Iron kingdoms, made plural when good King O'Donnell died from old age in [need date]. At that time the family exploded in claims to the throne by every one of the twelve children. Currently, the Iron Kingdoms is a shattered divided mass of baronies and Counties, all with rulers claiming right to the throne and crown.

Moving through one "kingdom" to another is as simple as passing from one glen to another, but the reactions for strangers, or people who don't "seem to belong" can be cautious, even dangerous. Border skirmishes and small battles break out on any given day, and often are the result of one lord or lady poking the defenses of their sibling's land.

The Twelve Iron Kings and Queens:

Lord Fergus - First born and Steward of Surlin. Strong and Aggressive but wise. Controls Caer Leona as well as Surlin Capitol.
Lord Baetan - Second born son. High Mage. Thin and intelligent, quiet and scheming. Barony of Soutland.
Lady Diarmata - First Daughter, Fiery personality and passionate. Artist and Archer. Countess of Borwyd. County.
Lord Angus - Third Son, Lame in right leg. Quiet but vindictive, with tempered rule. Baron of Condel.
Lord Nigel - Fourth Son. Lewd and Lecherous. parties and women more important than ruling. Count of Beorgfyr.
Lady Malise - Second Daughter. "The Raven" Champion Calvary and fencer. Tactical mind. Baroness of Fyrdraca.
Lady Margaret - Third Daughter. Blind but Psionic. Intelligent and thinker. Currently Missing. Baroness of Byrwugia.
Lord Symon - Fifth Son. Soldier and Knight. Right side of body scarred from head to toe. Count of Kintho.
Lord Robert - Sixth son and twin with Isabel. Horselord and Master Mason. Baron of Leona.
Lady Isabel - Fourth Daughter and twin with Robert. Master Archer and Bowyer. Currently Missing. Countess of Stantorr.
Lady Helen - Fifth Daughter. Wheelchair bound with spine disease. High cleric of Eilyene. Countess of Trepwil.
Lord Absalom - Seventh Son. Age of 18. Vicious and cruel. Currently missing from war campaign. Count of Gerwec.

    Currently, Lord Absalom, the youngest of the Twelve, went over the Western river into the Wildreach and has gone missing. His current regent is Lord Aravous of Maeli Woods. Aravous is like his missing count, and running the barony just as Absalom would have. the elven Regent has positioned many elves into the Gerwec court. His elven brethren have moved into the towns and began bolstering the militia there.
Court, Royal


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