The Wraith of Kings Watch

Donovan Valez
The Wraith of Kings Watch

When the night is long, and the moon is afraid to come out, night overtakes the city of Kings Watch. The people shutter their windows, they lock their doors and make sure that the livestock are well protected. This is the time of The Wraith. The Wraith of Kings Watch is a legend, based of a real man who seems to have supernatural abilities. He is seen only when he wishes it and can disappear into a crowd with a simple few steps. The Wraith is a killer, an assassin and a revenant for others. He seeks to right wrongs and has never once asked for coin.

No one knows where the man known as the Wraith comes from. Rumor has it he was Hepulchori criminal escaping justice in Gothmyr. Others claim he was the last son of the original founding family of Hepulchor. Whichever is true or something completely different, The Wraith is talked of by hushed whispers. He arrived and began working in Kings Watch in Maplethaw of 160AF. His deeds counted revenge for wronged peoples. Justice for innocents, and killing murderers who left the city, thinking they escaped capture.

The Wraith has been known to walk through walls, kill with knives, swords and even a whip, hanging men off balconies. He makes no sound unless he wishes it and his gray and brown leathers allow him to blend in to the streets like a chameleon.

In game terms: Level 15 Street Avenger/ Level 5 Psionicist.


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