


The Ship City

The easternmost city of Kytos, Thradonia is a massive overripe fruit of the island nation that has begun to stink of rot. The city is oftentimes in chaos, civil unrest and revolt often will go through Thradonia in waves, never hitting the market or the shipping docks, but always in the noble villas or domini. Once a beautiful metropolis, the ghettos and lower end homes are growing, as crime and violence also grow. 

 Thradonia is on the NE corner of Kytos, and sits on the Thradea peninsula next to the Ontos bay.

Current Govenor of Thradonia is a human male named Lord Barius Felorea II. He rules from his high palace with protected walls and armed militia guarding his land. His expansive gardens sit atop a large hill overlooking the entire city. Lord Barius runs the Thradonia council of thirteen nobles who make the rules and law within Thradonia. The problem is The entire council of Thradonia is corrupt and takes money from other noble houses or has back room deal, corrupting their law making decisions. The commoners of Thradonia have no true voice in their governing body, and as long as money is flowing upwards to Lord Barius' coffers...nothing will change.

Ships landed on the peninsula and people immediately began fishing and making homes and huts on the NE shore. Thradonia was established with stone homes and buildings before the capitol city ws even chosen. Thradonia was once a choice to be the capital city of Kytos, before the stepped mountain flats were found above where Asboea now sits. 
Thradonia soon was a collection of farms, docks and merchant shops, made for the incoming ships of the Southern pirates and shipping galleons. Shipping and imports soon began to be unloaded at Thradonia and shipped inland to the other towns. Eventually a constabulary was established and a policing force was created to watch the docks and protect the citizens.
Eventually, nobles came to Thradonia to watch their goods being shipped in and out from the docks. The nobles began beautifying the town and making the security force protecting their goods and the town grow. The problem was the nobles only wanted to use their wealth to protect their own things, nothing else. So one block was guarded while the next block was a frontier lawless block. armed militia and hired guards sat and watched people break into a neighboring home and looting the home without raising a finger to help, because they were told to not do anything not on their block.

Billetty counter billetty lead and argent 4 ship in quadrangle sable.



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