Titles in Each Nation

The following list will show in descending order the importance and power of titled people within each country. This list is in no way comprehensive, and at any time a new title may be created or a one-off for a particular hero or heroine that helped protect the Nation.
Konungr Ruler or Leader. None above him.
Konungrsun immediate blood relative of Konungr.
Godar Chief Among Equals. Ruler of a town. Controls Jarls.
Jarl Leader of a tribe or clan.
Churl merchant land owners and freemen.

Czari Ruler of the country. None above him.
Duc/Ducezi Duke- Blood relative of Prince. Noble bloodline.
Prince/Princess Controls principalities or region of Anistlav.
Mestnoj/Mestnoji Upper class nobility. Controls multiple baronies
Okolnich State Secretary. messenger and herald.
Muzhi Land owned nobility. Military Honored Nobility.
Voevody Regional governors, used as administrators to Boyars
Boyar Governor or mayor of a town
Liudi Business owners merchant lords. Estate-holders.
Vityaz Knight honorific and Peerage. Noble Blood
Bogatyr Knight honorific and Peerage. Common blood.
Burgher land owners. middle class.

Prinz Ruler of country. None above him.
Duce/ Ducesi Duke - Relative of the Prinz.
Marchiz/ Marchizi Marquis -
Numar/ Numari Count - Court noble of bloodline.
Viconte/ Viconti Viscount - Administrate multiple baronies for a Count.
Boyar/Boyari Baron - Control of a Region or collection of towns.
Cavaler Knight - Peerage of noble birth.
Primar/ Primari Mayor- Controls one town. Noble birth.
Serifu Sherriff- Police or constabulary for a town.
Dom/ Domna Lord/ Lady - Noble land owner.
Cancelar Chancellor - Administrative Primari appointed noble.

King/ Queen Controls the nation. None higher.
Prince/ Princess Next in Royal line, succession of bloodline.
Duke/ Duchess Court appointed title above a Count but usual palace nobility.
Count/ Countess Control of a County. Control of multiple Viscounts.
Viscount/ Viscountess Controls multiple baronies for a Count. Controls multiple baronies.
Baron/ Baroness Controls one barony, multiple towns
Castellan Control of multiple towns. Owns a Keep.
Burgrave/ Burgravine Mayor or Governor of one town
Knight Noble warrior honored by Crown through birth.
Constable Officer of a town. Police and peacekeeper
Ritter Noble within a town. usually honorific by the Crown.

Jade isles:
Emperor/Empress Controls the nation. None higher.
Shogun Administrator of Jade Isles.
Daimyo Controls Regions/baronies.
Samurai Noble bloodline land owners. Soldiers.
Ronin Paid soldiers, no leader/lord.
Director "Juichi" Administrator of a town. link to Daimyo.
Shoni Mayor or Governor of one town.
Kurodo Chamberlin, sherriff or constable.
Sho Shi-i-no Administrator. Aids a Shoni (Mayor)
Katsu Merchant lord. Land owner.
Iron Kingdom:
King/Queen Ruler of the Country. None above him/her.
Prince/Princess Immediate Blood relative of the king
Duke/ Duchess Elder blood relative of king or prince
Marquis/ Marquessa Noble In charge of baronies. Court position.
Earl/ Earless Title for military nobles, advisors to Marquis.
Baron/ Baroness Control of a region of multiple towns.
Governor/ Governess Control of multiple towns, Administrator.
Laird/ Land owner and control of one town.
Master/ Mastress Title of immediate family member of Laird.
Colonel/ Dame Military Knight. Peerage and noble land owner.

Empress Controls the nation. None higher.
Prince/ Princess Royal relative to the Empress.
Duque/ Duqesa Royal bloodline related relative.
Marques/ Marquesa Empress gifted position of Royal Noble.
Conde/ Condesa Control of multiple towns and baronies.
Vizconde/Vizcondesa Aids in administration for control of multiple baronies.
Chancellor/ Chanchelas Royal administrator and messenger for Marques or above.
Barone / Baronessa Control of multiple towns. Land owner with keep/ estate.
Don / Dona Town governor or control one town.
Cavaliere/ Dama Knight, mark of nobility and peerage.
Patrician Administrator to Don of a town.
Nobile/ Nobile Lord or lady and land owner.

King/Queen Controls the nation. None higher.
Prince/Princess Next in Royal line, succession of bloodline.
Duke/ Duchess Crown appointed position of Marquis. Palace Position
Marquis/ Marquess Position over multiple Earls. Court position given by Crown.
Earl/ Earline Decorated combat Count/ Countess.
Count/ Countess Control of a County. Control of multiple Viscounts.
Vicount/ Vicountess Controls multiple baronies for a Count. Controls multiple baronies.
Chancellor Religious title of Head of Church for Court. Above a baron/ Baroness.
Baron/ Baroness Controls one barony, multiple towns
Chevalier Position of Knight or knightly order. Also called Cavalier. Peerage.
Lord/ Lady Court honorific or blood line land owner.
Governor/Mayor Control of one town or city. Administrative position
Sherriff Head of defense and safety of a town or city. Military position.
Administrator Assistant to Governor. Honorific, Adminstrative position.

Chakte King - ruler and emperor. None above him.
Kalomte Prince - Relative of the King. usual Land owners.
B'akab Priest - High religious leader, controls multiple churches.
Ch'Ajom Scribe - Administrator in court for King.
Yajaw'te Advisor - Direct advisor to the King.
Ya'kawm Administrator - Leader of a group of towns or a region.
Ajaw Councilor - Mayor or leader of a town.
Sajal Merchants - Noble land owner.

Shaik Ruler of the country. None above him.
Shah Relative to the Shaik.
Emar Children of the Shaik.
Ayat High Priest of a church. Advisor to Shaik.
Priyat Duke - Court Noble and Land owner. Council member.
Hemti Seal Bearer - Messenger, Administrator of Shaik.
Imyrt Count -Control over multiple Towns or one region.
Sharif Governor/ Mayor- control of a town or city.
Repir Steward- Administrator to a Governor.
Hryss Priest- High ranking court Priest.
Imehy Lord/ Lady- Land owner and noble.
Nefir Merchant lord- Business Owner.

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