


Along the northwestern border of Gothmyr, nestled deep within the rolling foothills South of Weiland sits a small mining town and adventuring stopover. Vilton sits like a stubborn dwarf, refusing to back down from a horde of orcs. Vilton, previously named Weston in Ages past, Vilton holds some thirteen hundred or so miners, woodcutters, merchants and would be adventurers. Whether you go to Vilton for gold mining, prospecting, or adventuring out into the Wildreach, the town will have more than enough to keep you busy. Just tread carefully in the darker alleys and keep your eyes out and hand on your gold pouch more than usual here.


Vilton sits at the mouth of a massive valley between two mountain that marks part of Gothmyr's western border. The valley is one of the few safe passages through the mountains of Gothmyr's west border into the Wildreach. The surrounding rough hills barely support flora or vegetables of any sort, but the one thing the hills have in abundance is gold. Hundreds of miners, prospectors and silt sifters make the trek up to Vilton to find their fortune. Unfortunately, this also brings the robbers, the scam artists, and the outright thieves. And where the chaos of such drama happens, Adventurers are soon to follow.
  Why risk your life in a dungeon, when you can kill a thief above ground and return with the stolen gold, keeping a fee for yourself, of course. Most of the people in Vilton are human; more than a dozen are half ogres and half orc mercenaries, looking for work. Human, half elven and dwarven hirelings are common as well, remnants of failed groups, sole survivors of failed adventuring gangs and basic loners looking for coin. Adventurers, miners, carpenters, woodcutters and merchants all rub shoulders in this wilderness town, on the edge of the Wildreach. The town of Vilton has gone through fifteen sheriffs and six mayors in the last year. Accidents, sword fights, outright assassinations and brutal murders. The town of Vilton keeps a fragile facade of peace, but it is still a lawless miner’s town.


Currently, the position of Sheriff has been renamed to “Stoneguard” and is held by a strange Blonde Meri-Jaa woman with a deadly unerring skill with two swords. She stands at six feet, and is quicker than a great cat. Mayor Brenton Foss is a fat sweaty man who hides behind the Stoneguard when he comes out from behind his locked door.
The heraldry for Vilton is purpure a pall copper in fess point a portcullis argent in middle base a stag lodged sable.

Points of Interest:

  • The Gempile Tavern - Run by twin brother dwarves, Nodir and Anot, The Gempile Tavern is the main landing pad for anyone coming or going through Vilton. Theres fifteen sturdy tables and a dozen booths. The small, sad stage is an afterthought, but the bar goes around two of the 4 internal walls. Loud racous noise and a random fight here or there is not unheard of nightly. Many shady deals or other illicit activities can be found or given a safe place to occur if the coin is right. Dozens of fortunes have been lost at the gambling tables (only cards allowed in the Gempile).
  • The West Gate - The main attraction to Vilton. one of the cleared paths out of Gothmyr into the Wirldreach. The gate marks the official end of Gothmyran rule.
  • The Restful Miner Inn - Master Rombold Fenario, retired human male warrior, owns and runs the inn. The Restful Miner is named for a dead miner that is laid to rest in the basement, that is rumored to be the one who first mined stone to build a structure here on the edge of the Wild Reach. Basic rooms with common furnishings number fifteen. Rooms are cheap, but anyone paying long term gets a discount. Some rumor Rombold fences illegal goods to the more inner towns within Gothmyr. Some say the upper room in the attic is haunted with a spirit of a dead female elf who seems to be hiding from something or someone hunting her.
  • Dollys Gambling Hall - Dollys is named after the proprietor, Mollian Von Thabor. She is a tall female human with arms large as a man's. Her husband, Worp Von Thabor, is a hulking half orc, whos left eye is replaces with a yellow gem. It is said to be able to give him True Seeing. Worp bounces and runs the coin exchange, while protecting Dolly's interests and capitol. Do not start trouble in the Hall, due to several invisible crossbowmen who stalk the rafters.
  • Hunbrau's Goods - the sign of two halflings fighting over a rope are the sign above the door to Hunbrau's Goods. The large stuffy shop holds everything from drinking tin cups to prospecting pans, rock climbing gear, and sword scabbards. His weekly caravan from King's Watch is the one main way he gets his stock.
    Hunbrau is a fat, Sweaty man with balding head and huge bushy mustache. Hunbrau speaks almost every known intelligent language, even says he can speak to elementals of earth. His negotiating skills are dangerous, and he is always up for a good haggle. Hunbrau has two sons, Rolf and Willibald, who tend the shop. Rumor has it, Hunbrau has a alchemists laboratory in the basement of his shop, and sells potions to those who know how to ask.
  • Shining Shield Guildhall - The only adventuring guild in Vilton . The current public face of this branch is Verga Von Rictus. She is a raven haired human female. Her right hand is Oghu, a half giant male.
  • Duggin's Festhall - Only open when the sun goes down behind the mountains, and closes when the sun shines over the hills. Duggin is run by Fastiun "Fatty" Darkwater. A fat but agile man who enjoys his ale as much as the coin his fest hall brings in. His thirteen employees keep the ale flowing and the food cooking. Three stages of food offerings. During the evening revelry, then late night discounted, uneaten food, then scraps and left overs are given free to those down on their luck , or looking for quick food to put into their packs before mining. Rumor has it, that Fatty hires adventurers to bring him rare and exotic creature to add to his festhall menu. He pays heavy coin and is known to hand diamonds as payment.
Large town


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