
Vodton cover




A new town, built upon the bones of the previous town that was settled here, named Voadtown. Vodton is a lumber town, made on the frontier land near the rivers that empty into the Ice Crown lake. It's a close knit community that seems to ignore the presence of adventurers or seem not to mind visitors in their sleepy town. A collection of roughly sixty buildings and homes, with a few shops. The majority of attention of vodton is the massive, half orc run lumber mill and the newly constructed Temple of Keylis.



Vodton sits a mile inland from on the Northeast shore of the IceCrown Lake in the middle of the nation of Gothmyr. The town more accurately sit on the western shore of the North River that empties in the Icecrown Lake. The sixty some homes and shops sit on a series of hillsides that climb into the Blackthorn Wood. The town is three-tiered and the homes sit on the flat parts of each tier. The Mayor's house and the temple of Keylis sit at the top.  


  The mayor of Vodton is Ser Elrin Gal VonDottin. Ser Elrin is a man of seventy winters and was a knight in the court of a dead barony to the South. He has taken up the mantle of mayor, when he led the defense of Vodton from Orc invaders. Ser Elrin is quiet, almost always whispers and is accompanied by a female human who is the assistant mayor, and administrator, Ber-ryn Malachite. Ber-ryn is a human female of twenty five winters with short black hair and eyes of deep blue.
Ser Elrin is often seen, sitting by the river, enjoying the twilight years, allowing Ber-ryn to run theday-today of Vodton. Ber-Ryn is also the town's judge and handles all disputes. Anyone who challenges her ruling can ask for an appeal to Ser Elrin, but he rarely goes against Berr-ryn's original ruling. Ber-ryn also is considered head of the Town's "brigade", or constabulary of four brigadeers, level 2 fighters. The four brigadeers are the only paid constabulary in town but can be backed up by other townsfolk if their whistle blows. Vodton citizens stick together.


  1. Covered Bridge - The only entrance into Vodton from the East. Ancient and stone, the bridge mysteriously holds up against any and all damage and Age.
  2. Mabel's Stables - Large stable house and carriage house with open room cots for 10cp/night. Mabel is a aged human female ranger (retired).
  3. Temple of Keylis - Newly constructed, there is construction always going on around it. Add ons and decorations. Sister Margarete, human female cleric is Head of temple. Five other healers inside.
  4. Mayor's House - Mayor Elrin and his assistant, Ber-ryn's home and office.
  5. Rusted Axe tavern - Rustic warm tavern (no rooms) made for lumberjacks and hunters. A local watering hole. Can get rough at night.
  6. Hoggart's Mill - Lumber mill with 15 workers. Owned and run by Nulo Hoggart, Half orc Male with a missing ear and eye. Hoggart always hires for odd jobs.
  7. Rondel's Goods - Asher Rondell halfling Male brown hair and goatee. Sells Basic gear and specializes in adventuring gear and gearing lumberjacks. (discounts for halflings)
  8. Chiree's Smithy - Alina Chiree IronMug, Dwarven female Smith golden hair and chin hair. She's a tough smithy that makes Good quality weapons and goods. (loves stories)
  9. Sylvan Slipper Inn - Themed elven Inn with 13 rooms, run by a trio of elven sisters. Meleyr, Rensyl and Vanery. common room 2 cp/night, rooms 3silver/night, bath is 2 silver.
  10. Bumbers Farm - Togglelock Bumber, Male halfling with 8 family members, all run potato and wheat fields. Also sell fresh vegetables to townsfolk/visitors.
  11. Ranger's Camp - Collection of 8 tents or so and a polebarn, where lumberjacks sleep between shifts. Good place for homemade (potato) moonshine.
  12. The Pond - West of Mayor's house. sunken plinth under the pond. Freshwater.


  • There is something evil overtaking the townsfolk. Ill tidings to all who stay here.
  • Mayor Elrin is under a spell, and Assistant Ber-ryn is a witch!
  • The temple of Keylis is a secret headquarters for Graycloaks!
  • There is a hidden grotto West of the temple, in the woods, hold treasure but is protected by demons.
  • Bumber family is poisoning their potatoes, making people give them their belongings.
  • Rondel buys stolen property and sells it to a black market in Kings Watch.
  • Mabel kills those who hurt a horse who spend the night at her Stable.
  • Within the history books, this area used to be under the control of orcs and hobgoblins.
  • People are being possessed and are under mind control!


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