


Beastmen of The Wild Reach

Lesser Vornn Greater Vornn Vornn Shaman
Frequency: Common Frequency: Uncommon Frequency: Rare
No. Appearing: 2-10 No. Appearing: 2-10 No. Appearing: 1-2
Armor Class: 12 Armor Class: 15 Armor Class: 13
Move: 150 Move: 120 Move: 120
Hit Dice: 2+4 (20) Hit Dice: 4+5 (30) Hit Dice: 5
% in Lair: 15% % in Lair: 20% % in Lair: 30%
Treasure Type: Treasure Type: Treasure Type:
No. of Attacks: 2 (weapon/horns) No. of Attacks: 3 (2 weapon/horns) No. of Attacks: 2 (Weapon spell)
Damage/Attack: weapon/2d4 Damage/Attack: weapon/2d4+4 Damage/Attack: weapon / spell
Special Attacks: Horn Gore Special Attacks: Kick, Gore Horn Special Attacks: Spell, Psionic
Special Defenses: none Special Defenses: Stomp, Bellow Special Defenses: Bellow
Magic Resistance: none Magic Resistance: none Magic Resistance: 5%
Intelligence: low (5-7) Intelligence: Semi (3-14) Intelligence: High (14)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil Alignment: Chaotic Evil Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Size: M (5'-6') Size: Large (7'-9') Size: M (6')
Psionic Ability: None Psionic Ability: None Psionic Ability: 13 PSPs
XP value: 125 XP Value: 475 XP Value: 500
Vornn Legend states a cult of wizards, experimenting with magic and forbidden lore, created the first few Vornn. At the time, they were rumored to be shock troops or foot soldiers, to protect their Cultist masters. Eventually chaos took over and the Vornn rebelled, killing their creators and began reproducing on their own. Vornn are an evil merging of man and beast. All Vornn resemble some form of animal in the face and become more beastlike as one looks down the body. Every Vornn share some similar traits: each has hooves and animal legs and human hands and arms for their front limbs. Tails, horns, facial features, and hide/fur all differ from Vornn to Vornn. They are animalistic and warmongering, but have a limited form of military training, making their raids very effective. Most if not all animal traits of the Vornn are from hooved animals: Oryx, Goat, Ram, Elk, Deer, Moose, and even Bison and Rhino have been seen.   Combat: Most Vornn walk on their hind hooves, but often times will use their hands and arms to run a few steps on all fours. Their use of weapons makes them more effective than normal beasts. Vornn will use guerilla tactics and hit-and-run tactics. When in larger numbers, or when an Alpha or Greater Vornn is present, their morale is almost a feverish impenetrable and will fight to the last. Greater Vornn are militaristic and very tactical, often planning raids for days with other Greater Vornn, before setting their chaos army out to raid nearby towns. Lesser Vornn use spears, polearms or even swords and shields, while Greater Vornn wield two handed great axes, war mauls, or other pole axes. Shaman Vornn wield clubs, maces or staves. Greater Vornn have a few special abilities: Greater Vornn can stomp on the ground, and in a 5' radius area around them, stun anyone in contact with them. Save vs. rods to prevent the stun for 1 round. Anyone stunned this way is knocked prone. Also, Greater Vornn as well as Shaman Vornn can use the Vornn Bellow. it is a scream, they can do once a battle. The shouting bellow also stuns for 2 rounds. Save vs rods to ignore. The shout stops spell casting as well as makes victims shut their eyes in pain.   Habitat/ Society: For every clan of Vornn, there are usually 10-30 Vornn, 1-4 Greater Vornn and 1 Shaman Vornn. The clans are led by a Greater Vornn that is elevated to Alpha. Alpha Vornn are titles given to survivors of a free-for-all battle called a "war council", wherein the last Greater Vornn standing takes the title. Alpha Vornn take command and lead the clan in war time, or during raids, but during times between raids, the Alpha seeks the wisdom of the Shaman Vornn for daily adjudicating.   Ecology: Clutches of newborn Vornn come in groups of 1-4. Vornnmate twice a year, replenishing their forces faster than most civilized areas can cull them. Young Vornn play fight and will often times start small fights in groups to determine a pecking order within the clan. Stronger Greater Vornn begin out growing the smaller Vornn by their fifth winter. Soon doubling the growth speed of Lesser Vornn, reaching far above their similar aged clanmates. Shaman Vornn are chosen from birth, and are born with strange fur cut tattoos or colored birthmarks of swirling patterns or chaotic symbols. Once a new Shaman is born, the current Shaman takes possession of the new Shaman and begins teaching him the Ways.   Lesser Vornn: Standing between 5' and 6', Lesser Vornn or just Vornn, are quick and chaos incarnate. Rushing each other and headbutting each other are common interactions. They have humanoid faces that rarely develop into a full beastial face. They have horns, usually shorter than Greater Vornn. They have short tails, and humanoid chests, with fur or light fur on their back and spine. Vornn are usually the scouts, raiding parties and often used as archery support during major war raids. Vornn have innate smithy ability, suspected to be from their magical creation. Their weapons and armor are usually rusted, sharpened and dangerous. Vornn are used as messengers between clans, and often used as the frontline cannon fodder during raids.   They rarely wear armor, and those Vornn do who wear armor are usually also the smith who made it. They can only speak their own language, and usually grunt and motion with their heads instead of speaking. Vornn are allowed to mate, and when they do, their offspring is always more Lesser Vornn.     Greater Vornn: Standing between 7'-9' tall, bustling with muscles and anger are the Greater Vornn. Greater Vornn are smarter than their Lesser brethren. Leading the clan or running peace with the chaotic Lesser Vornn. Greater Vornn live in the system of "might makes right". The strongest and smartest Greater Vornn is Alpha, and the remaining Greater Vornn follow an established pecking order. Greater Vornn can speak their own tongue, as well as common and some even speak Ogrish. They communicate and often make plans with neighboring Vornn clans to form War raid hosts.     Vornn Shaman: These beastmen are born under a particular celestial event. Born with glyphs or tattoos of discolored skin, the birth of a Shaman elevates the family and clan as a whole. Shaman Vornn are given respect by even the Alpha of the clan. The Shaman have wisdom beyond the abilities of even Greater Vornn. These Vornn are gifted with Shaman spells and ritual abilities. Each Shaman Vornn has a limited psionic ability.       Vornn are chaos made manifest. They live, breathe and strive to bring chaos to the world, and all lands around them. They have no mind for peace. They have no attitude for society. They are monsters that can never become part of the civilized world, and are an example of what becomes of this world, if the vigil of society fails.
Vornn Warrior
Lesser Vornn:       Greater Vornn:
    Shaman Vornn:


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