

The Chronicler

We’saa (We-sa-A)
The Chronicler, The Scribe, The Quill
Scribes, Libraries, Written knowledge, Art
Lesser Deity
Neutral Good
Worshipers: Any
Golden Quill on white scroll



     The power of We’saa is known since the beginning of recorded history. As the first mortal on Edus learned to scribble charcoal drawings on cave walls, the power of that knowledge formed We’saa. The scribe, the author, the mage, the bard and the artist all pray and pay homage to We’saa. As god of scribes, libraries and art, We’saa is seen in relief sculptures adorning buildings that contain written word or image.
     We’saa appears to anyone worthy on Edus as a stack of books or scrolls formed to make a face about six foot high. As the books separate and move, the collage creates lips that move and facial expressions. Often scribes working on something of importance to We’saa will claim that illumination or drawings on the edge of their scrolls or pages come alive and animate, talking to them. Whatever the way, We’saa is proud to continue pushing his mortal followers to endure writing, scribing and drawing to increase his power.
     There is no sect or priesthood formally accepted for We’saa, but any priest that claims follower of We’saa is just known as a scribe.

Religious, Organised Religion


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