
Barony of the Western Wall.
Capitol of the Weiland County

The city of Weiland is the main capitol of the barony of the same name. The barony sits on the western border of Gothmyr protecting the heartlands from the Wildreach to the west. Weiland is one of the last bastions of civilization before adventurers or pilgrims head west. The town is large, and the people seem more down-to-earth than their eastern sister towns near the coast. The majority of the county is covered in a sparse woodland forest. Various acres of cleared land have made room for multiple towns and villages.

The city of Weiland was founded by a knight and his people during the Third Age. Ser Jurgan Gunter IV built a small keep with a surrounding town. The town grew as a stopping point for merchants and pilgrims heading West. As the knight became recognized by the crown of Gothmyr, Weiland became power hungry and violent.
Soon, Baron Weiland began exerting force upon his people. He began actively hunting people on his land. Anyone arrested in his barony was taken out to the woods and hunted by Baron Weiland and his court nobles. Once word reached the throne, Prince Jeggred arrived with a thousand cavalry and two regiments of soldiers. Prince Jeggred took over Weiland Keep and imprisoned the fallen knight, Weiland. On the following dawn, Prince Jeggred released Weiland into the surrounding forest and put a 1,000 gold piece bounty on Weiland's head. Each citizen was invited to participate, andthe decapitated body of Weiland, in a fox outfit, was later discovered in the forest.
Since that fateful day, the Barony of Weiland has been ruled by a democratic vote. In modern times, the town is ruled by a blood nobled knight.

Located on the western border of Gothmyr. Weiland City sits in the center of the barony itself. The barony sites south of Rhil'Heeyl County and its edge is the edge of the ancient forest of the northwest. The southern border touches the edge of the County of Brecht Halls.

Current ruler of the Barony of Weiland and the baron of Weiland City is Baroness Valentina Emira Sholtz. The Baroness is a strong tall female human of thirty winters. She is a knight and acting royalty of Gothmyr and Kings Watch. Valentina has no time for court, she has no time for dresses and crowns. Valentina is more comfortable in armor atop her steed, Honey, a stonecat of gold. Her constant vigil, protecting the western border of Gothmyr from invading Vornn and Ogres from the Wildreach keep her busy.

The City:
Weiland is a fortified walled city. The city proper holds approximately 20,500 people within the walls. Every citizen must enlist in the army for a minimum of two years. Every adult citizen takes part in defending their barony, so even after they are released they will fight for their homes. Citizens within the barony are proud of their land, and their Baroness. The capitol city of Weiland is a triple circled walled city, they export raw lumber inland as well as worked stone and copper from neighboring mines of Vilton.
Weiland's chief export is lumber and copper. The neighboring towns help support their barony, bringing stone, corn, potatoes and spices to help fill out the barony's bounty. Weiland sends both coin as well as supporting military to protect the surrounding lands.
The city of Weiland holds roughly 20,500 people. It has a college, five churches, seven smaller temples, over thirty taverns and a dozen or so inns or hospitals. The nobles of Weiland were all retired military officers and the stamp of nobility was only given to those who served in the military. Commoners all work to help one of the noble families. Each lived under a flag of a noble family and worked to promote their noble lord.
The city itself has three rings of walls, as the town became a city then a barony, it increased it's defenses and surrounding the latest group of homes and shops.

Local Current Events:
  • Gnoll tribes are coming out of the forest as lumberjacks began to thin their hunting ground. There are gnoll tribes that live in the foothills of the Western Mountains, but they seem to leave the human miners alone.
  • Vornn attacks on surrounding countryside are causing farmers to be unable to pay their taxes, and give food to the barony in payment.
  • Dryads and other forest creatures are beginning to show themselves more and more as the lumberjacks venture deeper into the old woods.
  • An ancient dwarven mine/hall was found in a deeper copper mine. No one has ventured in yet, awaiting a dwarven ambassador from a neighboring town.
  • Local toad population has disappeared. Sages and other naturists are worried.

Barony of Weiland

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Baroness Valentina Emira Sholtz

Large city


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