Wyrek - The Smith

Wyrek (Why-rek)
The Smith, The Holy Cog
Invention, Ideas, Knowledge, Inspiration
Greater Deity
Neutral Good
Worshipers: Any good
A bound closed book with a gear on the cover
Symbol: A metal cog with 8 teeth, with a silver hammer atop.


Wyrek is the god of all things of the mind. Invention, thoughts and new ideas, and wellsprings of knowledge all stem from Wyrek. When a new type of weapon is invented, or when a new type of gardening implement is crafted, it is a gift of Wyrek. Even ideas that feed into evil aims are pulled from the muse of Wyrek. A new torture device created, or a new way to torment innocents are still the work of the deity of invention. Wyrek has not come to Edus as himself to date, but his presence is always felt by craftsmen or inventors. He appears to those who follow his path as a muse, giving ideas and inspirations in their plans. A new direction in thinking or path to a solution is often called “A wink from Wyrek.”
Gnomes, humans and all races pray to Wyrek by first building an altar to the god. Every time they complete a something, or build something, something is added to the altar as a sign of continued invention. Many ancient altars of Wyrek are the size of homes, both in width and height. There is a massive structure erected to Wyrek deep within Gothmyr's Northern Forest. The structure is over thirty feet tall and over one hundred paces around. A small foundry and workshop sit beside the structure, for pilgrims to come and find their muse.
Wyrek has a priesthood and churches are usually fully functioning warehouses of inventions, moving cogs and libraries of wondrous size with movable shelves. All libraries of Edus will hold at least one gear upon the wall, as a blessing to the God of Knowledge. Many followers of Wyrek can be spotted by a gear adorned necklace, or a small silvered hammer on a bracelet or necklace. There are stories of adventurers who follow Wyrek, who make armor out of cogs, and wield massive flanged maces made of intersecting cogs. Their fighting style is very strange as their ethos has them coming up with new ways to fight or creating strange defenses.


The followers of Wyrek are knowledge seekers. They are inventors and those see knowledge, both new and old, to be cherished and protected. Adventuring wizards and bards seeking lost spell books or song books find themselves promoting Wyrek. Discovering old creations, or creating new ones is the ethos of Wyrek. Worshippers are found among merchants, craftspeople and inventors. Praise to Wyrek comes in many forms: as a new set of cups are thrown on the potters wheel, or a statue finished for a noble by an artist.


Allied with Eilyene, Palin, and Rasfor. He has ties with Silvein and with the dwarven and elven pantheon.
Has enmity with: Nimbos - due to his destructive nature; and Caen.


Wyrek’s priests are usually inventors or scribes, called “Cogs”. The priesthood often presides over new building unveilings and festivals which show off new inventions.

Specialty Priests: Coglords

Coglord Alignment: G, NG, LN, LG
Favored Weapon: Mace or Wrench Morning Star
Weapons Allowed: Any Priest
Turn Ability: 1/2 +Special.

  • Coglords Seek to further all Knowledge.

  • A Coglord will never destroy or bury any knowledge, good or evil.

  • Invention and creation further humanity. All Coglords must be skilled.

  • Before leveling, they must make something of equal impressiveness and gift it to someone.

  • Anyone seeking knowledge must be aided, unless they seek for outright evil purposes.

  • Any town a Coglord enters that has any smithy, must be visited and blessed (sanctify the forge, 2 hours ritual)

  • Those who invent or further knowledge must be healed before those who do not.

  • May wield bladed weapons if their skills out of combat call for them (leatherworking, tailoring, butchering, etc.)

  • Must tithe 1/10th monthly of wealth to the closest library, smithy, or college.

  • Abilities:
  • Turn undead at 1/2 level of cleric, but can also turn constructs at 1/2 level

  • Level - Ability
    1. Cast "Mending" (as per mage spell) for free 1/day.
    3. Cast "Mending" (as per mage spell) for free 2/day.
    3. Cast "Bless" on one target for free 1/day.
    3. Turn Undead and constructs at +1 4. Cast "Cure Light Wounds" spells can be cast on objects for structural healing.
    5. Cast "Armor of Wyrek" on target 1/day.
    6. Cast "Dismantling Smite" for free 1/day.
    6. Turn Undead and constructs at +2 7. Cast "Mending" for free 3/day.
    9. Cast "Armor of Wyrek" for free 3/day.
    9. Cast "Cure Moderate Wounds" can be cast on objects for structural healing.
    10. Cast "Dismantling Smite" on target 3/day.
    10. Cast "Cure Serious Wounds" can be cast on objects for structural healing.
    10 Turn Undead and constructs at +3 12. Cast "Mending" for free as #/day per 1/2 of INT score (INT of 14 gets CLW 7 times day).
    12. Cast "Enchant Weapon" as per wizard spell for free 3/day.
    13. Cast "Cure Critical Wounds" can be cast on objects for structural healing.
    13. Cast "Wyrek's Wrath" for free 3/day.
    14. Cast "Gift of Knowledge" for free 1/day
    16. Cast "Wyrek's Wrath" for free 3/day.
    16. Cast "Dismantling Smite" at will.


    Armor of Wyrek
     - glowing armor of cogs, books and plates protecting at AC 0

    Dismantling Smite
     - Full turn single strike, doing weapon damage + level .
     - Causes items, constructs, and fortifications to take same in structural damage + save vs crushing magic blow or dismantle

    Wyrek's Wrath
     - Summons two 6' tall massive sledgehammers the size of kegs, shaped like gears, slamming into both sides of target, 4d6dmg +magic crushing blow.

    Gift of Knowledge
  • for next 24 hours, target gets 18 int for checks, and is inspired by Wyrek when creating.(+4 bonus to profession checks)
  • does not tire, need sleep or food.

  • Coglord of Wyrek


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