Premortal History

The time before O'Hl brought or created mortals of Human, elves and Dwarves.

  • 49540 PH

    49540 PH

    Celestial / Cosmic

    Celestial World is shaped and lands cool, allowing life.

  • 31900 PH

    31900 PH


    Formation of the being O'Hl
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The powers of the Elemental planes touch upon one point, forming the powerful being of O'Hl. His existence came into being.
    This established the calendar as the "Reconignition of O'Hl, or RO".

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  • 31899 PH

    1 /3
    31899 PH

    7 /3

    Formation of Thaaed
    Celestial / Cosmic

    O'Hl Creates a new world. The planet is formed and cooled, allowing life toform and thrive. O'hl populates the planet with flora and fauna as a new pallet to create his art.

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  • 31896 PH

    31896 PH

    Formation of the Titans
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The primordial elemental powers form life on O'Hl's newly created world. As their elemental materials touch they form life, allowing the new world to give life to their new forms. This was the birth of the Titans. This was done without O'Hl's permission.

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  • 31895 PH

    31895 PH

    Titans form into the Kingdom of Agras
    Era beginning/end

    Alphoryx, the greatest Titan declares himself the King of all titans, Making his generals loyal to him, royalty, and establishing the hierarchy of the Titans. Alphoryx garners powers to rule the rest of the titans from the Primordial powers, angering O'Hl. The haughty Titans lay claim over all life across the planet, disregarding O'Hls natural laws. Many of the titans formed cliques and began claiming portions of the planet to build their own little kingdom upon.

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  • 29750 PH

    29750 PH

    Creation of the Creator Races
    Life, Birth

    Bilantir and his highest Arcane Titans create the original five Creator Races. Dragons, Giants, Ashrana, Hunari and Sekteros all were born of various titan cliques. Dragons, large Reptilian winged creatures, Giants, massive humanoids. Ashrana, the Large feline humanoids who were masters of Metal. Hunari, the four armed insectoids who excelled in hidden dark arcane secrets. And finally, the Sekteros, snake-like reptilian humanoids with legs of a serpent, unmatched in their tactical prowess and military might. these children of the Titans grew their tribes to run the continent of Edus.

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  • 29750 PH

    29750 PH

    Creation of True Dragons
    Life, Birth

    Alphoryx The Titan God-king created the first true dragon; Astyrinntal the Original. A huge gleaming gray dragon with the knowledge of the titans themselves. Selyktrix the Winged, Rustyryc the Flame, Bolynrek the Strategist and Ilyri the Magical joined together and using Alphoryx's guide, formed the original 13 True Dragons of both Mettalic and Chromatic.

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  • 29750 PH


    Creation of Giants
    Life, Birth

    The titans watched their leader, Alphoryx and his loyals create dragons, knowing they would have control over their creations. Other titans deemed their land worthy of Servants loyal to them.
    Edgrogyr the Abundant blessed three titanesses; Bettila the Strong, Riflyrra the Stone, Aulynn the Cold with children, and the first giants were born soon onto Edus.

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  • 29750 PH


    Creation of the Ashrana
    Life, Birth

    The Titan Doboros The Vigilant, Animar The Wild, and the Titaness Vertasher The Bold merged their magics and created a feline race of humanoids.
    Born of blood full of honor, courage and combat prowess, the Ashrana were born into the wild steppelands of the middle of Edus continent.

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  • 29750 PH

    5 /3

    Creation of The Hunari
    Life, Birth

    Kjeveril the Arcane, Moloch-kor the Masterful, Gerynna the Tactician and Dresilyr the Shielded all use their inherent titan magic to create and form an insectoid race. This race was to be used as workers, builder and guards for their temples.
    The Hunari were set in the southern deserts of the new Edus continent, across the entire southern coast and even onto the southern continents of Cordasia and Tumerria

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  • 29750 PH

    4 /4

    Creation of the Sekteros
    Life, Birth

    Seshinta the dark, Reylyntira the Serpent, Agoroth the Hidden and Creshti-manu the Changing created a race of reptilian creatures. These creatures were named Sekteros and the dark pact of titans argued how best to form them.
    Some of the Sekteros were given lizard qualities, while other Sekteros were formed with the visage of a snake. The difference in the Sekteroes started becoming mutations as they intermingled

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  • 29749 PH

    29749 PH

    Banishment of the Primordials by O'Hl
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Unasked for permission of creation by O'Hl, the Celestial god punished the Titans for their Creator Races.  O'Hl punished the Primordial Powers by banishing them from Thaaed, cutting the Titan's power off from their source. As the titans declare war upon O'Hl, The god imprisons the entire race, locking them deep in the Astral Plane. One Titaness, pregnant, is hidden deep within Edus, away from the watchful eye of O'Hl. This titaness escaped O'Hl's wrath.

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  • 28500 PH

    21030 PH

    The Creation Wars
    Military: War

    The five races created by the Titans fight and squabble over the land left by the titans. These five races declare war upon each other, diving the lands of Edus up and fight over borders and lands. This began the Creation Wars.

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  • 28500 PH

    21030 PH

    The Creation Wars
    Military: War

    The titans gather and watch as the ongoing fighting between the Giants and the True Dragons spill over to the other races created by the same titans. 
    The True Dragons, the Giants, the Ashrana, the Hunari and the Sekteros wage wars all across the newly formed Thaaed. Most of the wars were held on Edus.

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  • 21030 PH

    21030 PH

    The Renderer Curse
    Disaster / Destruction

    O'hl watched as the new races trying to create, too busy trying to destroy one another. O'Hl sends a curse, Killing 1/3rd of every creature born to a parent who killed another. Lowering the ammount of those creator races across Edus.

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  • 14642 PH

    1 /1
    14652 PH

    1 /1

    Elemental Powers Awaken
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The four elemental powers: Ashirean, Wathorea, Urduth, Finatali were awoken as Edus and the planet of Thaaed is formed from nothing. The awakening of the elemental powers solidified the creation of Thaaed.

  • 14562 PH

    1 /1
    14562 PH

    1 /1

    Acknowledged First Dawn
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Creation of the world and Edus as a continent.

  • 14490 PH

    1 /1
    14490 PH

    1 /1

    Titans were formed
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Four Elemental powers joined together and formed an extension of their power on Edus, the Titans were forged from the Elemental powers.

  • 12400 PH

    10000 PH


    The Fae War
    Military: War

    Exiled Fae creatures, hiding in the Shadow Realm form strike teams, and open Portals to the Fae realm by way of open portals on the prime Material. The unseely Fae invaded the prime Material plane and soon as the portals into the Fae realm filled, and the Unseely fae began invading civilizations on the Prime. The portal and the war lasted over two thousand years.

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  • 9999 PH

    The Ice Age
    Era beginning/end

    After watching the Creator races fight and wage war upon each other. The Races did not stop to realize they were losing their own world to the Unseely fae that poured in from the Shadow Realm. O'Hl sealed the Portals that were easily found, and called forth a great ice storm, the world was plunged into an ice age.

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  • 4030 PH

    Harrenmen Created
    Life, Birth

    Dragon Kings use ancient magic to take a natural creature from Edus and experiment upon them until they create a relative to the humans we know walking edus today. These creatures were called the Harrenmen. Short, squat humanoids, barely five feet tall, with hair covering most of their bodies.

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  • 3970 PH


    Founding of Thog-norn

    Purthun the Leader of the newly formed Harrenmen gather hundreds of thousands of Harrenmen and establish a mountain fortified city just west of Gothmyr's Westwatch Mountains, in the new Wildreach.

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  • 3789 PH

    3750 PH


    After the success of Thog-Norn, dozens of other villages and communes open up around Edus. Thrinn, Muson, Baddynn, Wellyn and Vorkyn all begin to increase their population as more Harrenmen gathered together for safety from the Creator Races.

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  • 892 PH

    Discovery, Exploration

    Hill giants and Stone giants join to dig tunnels deep into the earth to establish strongholds. They find the Unborn child of Riflyrra the Stone, Titaness. The child was traded to the cloud giants in return for magical artifacts of stone transmutation.

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  • 888 PH

    Life, Birth

    Cloud Giants gather their most powerful arcanists. They use the unborn Child of Riflyrra the Stone and merged the Child with a pregnant Titaness. This titaness gave birth to a new race of humanoids; the ogre.
    Ogramon, the First Ogre was soon greeted with thirteen ogres spilling from the titaness' dead body. Ogres began to multiply as all species do, and soon covered all over the surface of Edus.

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  • 850 PH

    The Eldritch Pact
    Life, Relocation

    The Hunari take severe losses from both war with the Dragons as well as Giants, the insectoid race gathered and shouted spiritually into the blackness of space, seeking someone, or something to help. Two ancient eldritch evils answered back, trading souls for their shadow magic and hidden knowledge.

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