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The year 487 of the Fifth Age

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The Gods once physically walked the realm of Ehldaron. They ruled their followers as sovereigns while building enormous cities, they made alliances with like-minded Gods, and went to war against the others. These wars between the Gods eventually culminated in what is called “The Everlasting Gods War'', a brutal era in which all Gods and Pantheons of Gods fought each other for millenia, resulting in uncountable deaths and massive destruction. It was Synia, Goddess of Law and Justice, that brought an end to the War by subduing all gods with her legendary Godsword and forcing them to make peace. For a while, Ehldaron knew no fighting, finally able to heal after eons of war. Unfortunately, this didn’t last long. A mysterious being killed Synia, and the world fell into all out war once more. Mere days after Synia’s murder, another powerful God was destroyed. As everyone converged in on these lands to get a hold the secrets it contained, calamity struck. An enormous magical wave of unknown origin spread over the entirety of Ehldaron, tearing the world apart and all but destroying civilization. Everyone looked at the Gods for help and protection, for aid in the wake of this destructive wave, but they were gone. Banished from Ehldaron, the Gods were unable to walk the realm, their voices now but distant whispers, their once great power and control of the world severely diminished.   Now the world has entered the era known as “The Age of Mortals”. After many centuries the world has rebuilt after the great calamity that tore it apart at the end of the Gods War. Mortals now rule the nations, instead of Gods, and the world revolves around the politics between these mortals as opposed to dogmatic religious ideologies. The Gods still exert major influence over the world, though can do little to directly influence the world. The question now remains whether the Age of Mortals will be a new, blooming chapter for Ehldaron, or whether it will follow the same destructive path as before.

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