Jaakar Murr

Jaakar Murr is a glorious arcane city, seated in the center of The Jahica. It is ruled over by a council of eight arch mages known as the Arcarnador Convocation. The Arcarnador Convocation and its subgovernment of mages and arch mages rule over Jaakar Murr and manages its interests.


For a city located in the middle of the desert, the streets of Jaakar Murr are surprisingly sand free. The desert winds deposit no sand on the smooth, stone roads and paths of the city. The roads and paths are a solid, often coloured stone.
The average height of buildings is 3 storeys high, all across the city. Traffic flows both on the ground and in the air between, and over top of the buildings. Enchanted items, flying capets and brooms are a common sight - as well as the occasional Griffon Rider - Infini Infantry.


Factions and Groups

The Infini are the wizarding guard of Jaakar Murr, easily recognised by their coloured cloaks with denote their magical school of specialty. The Infini is the First Army of Jaakar Murr and operate within the city and across other allied kingdoms.




The Ernesto Hold 




Articles under Jaakar Murr