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Somewhere in the Mubari's early worship of their gods in the Twilight Shade, it was determined that those who entered with the best food as supplies were the first to die, usually quickly and violently as said delicious morsels were hunted down.   As dead worshipers are not seen as effective worshipers, the pilgrims sought ways to worship without dying. Entering the Rift without food was found to greatly increase their chance of survival, if they made it without starving.   The great feast of Nierthado was begun in an effort in part to make the pilgrimage a more pleasant, less lethal experience for supplicants. Pilgrims were encouraged to engorge themselves during the feast days, so their bodies might have some reserves to call on during the coming days of fasting.   Of course it's never enjoyable to eat alone, so all of Mubari society was invited to celebrate Nierthado. Over the years it became a time to reminisce, for families to explore their heritage, and for culinary artists to out-do themselves.


Every ten years, members of the Mubari faithful descend into the Twilight Shade to commune with their gods. As much of the flora is predatory, taking any edibles is folly and invites a rapid death. Thus in preparation a week of feasting is held before the pilgrimage, where all feast, but the pilgrims eat to excess in advance of a week of fasting during their trek.

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Different families have individual traditions surrounding Nierthado, some light candles, some sing or tell stories of their own or their ancestors pilgrimages, but everyone eats. The only distinction for the pilgrims is they eat more.


All Mubari celebrate Nierthado. As it occurs only once per decade, it is anticipated by all both young and old, and the finest dishes are prepared to be enjoyed by all.


The feasting begins at sundown seven days before the pilgrims leave the Hrinman. Alcohol is prohibited. Meats, cheeses and breads are found in abundance. The celebration is almost as hard on the pilgrims' bodies as the pilgrimage, but it will save them from an early death in the Twilight Shade.
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