OmniCalDus Character in Eiria | World Anvil
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Keeper of Order and Structure

She will have order or we will have blood.
— Lord of Order

Self-proclaimed protector of balance who doesn't always promote balance as she does a want to remove corruption from the world of Eiria. Focusing on driving the "taint" of Totrix and Sebar from the beings of Eiria. Seeing as she is always fair and just in what she does she is often lost when someone points out a flaw in her plans and will overlook the neigh sayer. OmniCalDus will suffer nothing less than perfect.  



Physical Quirks

  • Moves with purpose
  • Ridged
  • Proper lady


  • Keepign the balance of the World
  • Keeping things in their proper place

Virtues & Personality Perks

  • Courage: Persistence, Vitality, Zest
  • Humanity: Kindness

Vices & Personality Flaws

  • Ignorance and Thoughtlessness: Absoluteness, Indifference, Closeminded
  • Cruelty: Loathing, Hostility, Disagreeable
  • Carelessness: Ruthlessness, Arrogance, Self-Indulgent

Likes & Dislikes

  • Order
  • Flawless form
  • The Order of OmniCalDus
  • Totrix
  • Sebar
  • Chaos


  • Everything and everyone must be balanced.
  • If out of balance one must be force back into balance.

Domain Information



Order and Structure
Having the ability to do as she needs to keep the world in balance. Where she could grant a mortal what ever they wished only her powers are bound to if the wants of mortals would upset the balance over the whole of Eiria.


  • Scales
  • Sword and Shield
  • Horned Helmet


Omni's home is just that, a well-kept palace made of ivory stone. Everything is in its place, and everything has a place. She Rarely invites mortals to her home. But those mortals who serve well in the Knights of Omni often are taken and turned into her "Angels".


Omni likes to add balance and structure into everything she touches, she has a strong dislike for her brother and sister Eidolons and often has their "creations" hunted down to restore order.

Archfiends & Fiends



  • Name: Maion
  • Height: 7ft
  • Description: Fiery red and voluminous hair, two large horns, large dragon like wings and tail, hooved digigrade legs, almost always in silver colored armor with a large glaive.


OmniCalDus refuses to call her fiends fiends, instead she prefers to call them angels. Most of them are winged humanoids, more often than not they have leathery dragon or bat like wings. They are taken as mortals from the The Order Of OmniCalDus once they are on their death bed. Feeling those who served her in their lives can still serve eternally.
Year of Birth
60 12422 Years old
  • Lady of Order
  • The Light Bringer
  • Cuntess Supreme
Physical Description
  • Height: 12ft
  • Eyes: Dark
  • Hair: Black
  • Skin Tone: Pale
  • Biological Sex: Female
  • Assumed Sex: Female
  • Body Features: Large crown of horns, whip like tail, black leathery wings, and an angry look.
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • "As such is the order of life."
  • "You've been found an agent of Sebar, this is where we will fix you of that ailment."

Character Portrait image: Lilith by Igor Sid


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