The Vixen Syndicate
A well organized guild of highly trained escorts and confidantes for hire who specialize in finding secrets out about their clients. Used as spies and information gathering. They can also be used to disseminate information, gossip, or lies, to those they work with to pass on to their clients.
They have no government affiliation and often have a member in every place people of power go for comfort. It is advisable to pay promptly and often tip for their services as any failure to pay for services rendered will lead to the hiring person being ruined, disgraced, or having the same mission done to them free of charge.
Namys, deceased
Aramys Drivorirel
Players' Notes
The Vixens communicate with each other with the use of magical rings. The party has one of these, in the hands or Aramys.Known Members
ArlayanaNamys, deceased
Aramys Drivorirel