Viampaal (viˈæmpɔl)


Viampaal are a genetically evolved species originating from the Puski, an ancient human race that dispersed across the globe and gave rise to the various human ethnicities. The emergence of Viampaal was the result of a mutation caused by the apoplexia virus, a parasitic organism that requires blood and organic matter to survive. By the time the Viampaal became a distinct race, approximately one in four Puski individuals had contracted this virus. Those who resisted coupling with Viampaal eventually succumbed to the virus, leading to the extinction of the non-infected Puski.

The Viampaal are often perceived as monsters due to their blood consumption, possessing small, barely noticeable fangs and pale, iron-deficient complexions that grow progressively paler with purer blood. However, their actual skin color, hair, and eye color can vary widely, reflecting their diverse origins. Viampaal suffer from chronic essence loss, which can only be mitigated by draining the life essence of others. They prey on sentient beings, extracting the life force through their victims' blood. While some Viampaal refrain from feeding on unwilling subjects and can temporarily control their hunger, others revel in their predatory nature, embracing their role as killers and predators.

Viampaal possess several unique abilities, including enhanced senses, immunity to poison and disease, slowed aging, and rapid regeneration of damaged tissues. Due to their close relationship with blood, many Viampaal are hemomancers or hematologists and are highly sought-after, albeit warily, in the medical and biological fields. Despite their abilities, Viampaal face widespread prejudice and are often shunned in society due to the unfounded belief that they can transmit their affliction to others. Although they can endure sunlight, they are highly sensitive to it, comparable to individuals who are prone to severe sunburns. In terms of lifespan, Viampaal live approximately as long as regular humans, but their appearance ages at a much slower rate. They can reproduce and engage in activities similar to those of humans.


Culture and cultural heritage

Viampaal culture is rich in history and tradition, shaped by their unique existence and the challenges they face. Many Viampaal gravitate towards hemomancy and hematology, utilizing their specialized knowledge to contribute in the medical and biological fields. The Syrvi Estates, situated in the heart of the United Federation of Meshev, serve as the collective community of Viampaal. Despite the oppressive environment they face, the Viampaal within Syrvi form a formidable resistance against the larger federation. Storytelling plays a significant role in their culture, passing down tales of their origins and shared experiences, fostering a sense of identity and unity amidst adversity.

Shared customary codes and values

Viampaal society is rooted in a complex web of customary codes and shared values. They place great importance on personal autonomy and the freedom to make choices. The struggle with their bloodlust presents ongoing challenges, but despite the potential for darkness within them, Viampaal strive to find balance and uphold a code of ethics that acknowledges the complex nature of consent within their relationships. They value self-control, recognizing the potential harm they can inflict on others. Respecting personal boundaries and engaging in open and honest communication are fundamental tenets of Viampaal society.

Common Etiquette rules

Viampaal etiquette emphasizes dignity, respect, and a profound awareness of personal boundaries. They carry themselves with grace and refinement, preferring subtle gestures and refined manners. Maintaining eye contact is crucial, reflecting confidence and sincerity. Viampaal place a significant emphasis on feeding in private and not publicly. Their attire reflects an elegant and timeless fashion, often incorporating dark colors, rich fabrics, and stylish accessories that complement their ethereal nature.


Beauty Ideals

Viampaal beauty and gender ideals are diverse, influenced by their varied origins as the mutated descendants of the Puski. There is no singular notion of beauty or prescribed gender roles among the Viampaal. They appreciate the uniqueness and individuality of each member of their species. Viampaal culture values self-expression, allowing individuals to define their own beauty standards and gender identities.

Relationship Ideals

Courtship among the Viampaal is a delicate dance, often entangled with the complexities of their nature. While some Viampaal struggle with their need for essence and the issue of consent, others actively seek to navigate these challenges responsibly. Courtship can be intense and passionate, driven by an inherent desire for connection and intimacy. Relationships are built on trust, open communication, and a profound understanding of the risks involved. Viampaal recognize the importance of consent, but due to the nature of their affliction, this aspect can be a source of internal conflict. Consent is a continuous dialogue that must be navigated, considering the complexities of their essence needs and the ethical considerations involved. As they strive to find balance and reconcile their desires with ethical considerations, relationships vary greatly in their dynamics and the level of voluntary participation.


This article is currently being worked on. Check back soon!

Viampaal by Gabrielle Decker
Parent ethnicities

Articles under Viampaal

Cover image: Viampaal Banner by Gabrielle Decker


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Jul 7, 2023 00:21 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Ohhh I love the internal conflict present in these guys. Lots of drama. D:   I also love the idea that they make really good haemotologists. That's my favourite thing.5

Jul 7, 2023 05:30 by Gabrielle Decker

I love that part! xD When I develop these species of mine, I think "If they existed in the real world today, what would that translate to? Like for the dwarves, I decided miners, or smelters. Welders maybe. These guys? Hematology! Lol

Jul 7, 2023 04:34 by Joella Kay

Do they have to drain the entire life essence or can they just drain some, leaving the person to recover?

Jul 7, 2023 05:29 by Gabrielle Decker

Ah, good question! Definitely something I need to make sure to clarify when I can develop them further. The answer is no, they don't need to drain someone completely, just some every few days!

Jul 8, 2023 23:07

I love the twists you have here for vampires. May your words and voice activated holo-band neural writing aid never run out of power.

Graylion - Nexus   Roleplaying
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Jul 9, 2023 07:13 by Gabrielle Decker

W00t! Thank you!

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