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CoS Session 28: Sebastian's Sendoff

General Summary

  • The party makes it to Ravi, the mining powerhouse of Avicenna
  • Azmi’s rail system stretches across downtown, with new lines being built every day
  • Sebastian notices an ad for a show performed by his old troupe, they'll be performing for Gen. Boua and Aldo!
  • Elan and Nikolaj do some window-shopping and stealing
  • Elan fails to steal expensive tiara, but Nikolaj shows off his roguish skills and steals it
  • Medraad buys some studded armor, gets a free spear
  • Sebastian checks out his old troupe's rehearsal
  • Checks up on Adam, his old apprentice from theater
  • Sounds like Ludovico and the others are super tense for the performance
  • A crow shows up giving them directions to a tea shop to meet with their Handgun contact
  • They find Assaj! She was a little wounded crossing border, but she’ll be fine
  • Sebastian orders some tea mixed with milk
  • Assaj explains how Avicenna’s gotten their hands on Left Hand of Theo Faust
  • It’s a powerful relic from a great Gamerian magician
  • If it’s destroyed, magic could be weakened in Gameth
  • Go and find Left Hand, and stop it from being destroyed
  • A man named Grego Vivaldi knows where it’s being held
  • He’s staying at hotel called Lux Avicen
  • So party figures out how they’ll get to Grego
  • They decide to rent room in the same hotel to spy on him
  • It’s a little pricey, but they enjoy it
  • Sebastian orders a ton of baklavas
  • Medraad meets with Man in Black
  • He wants to know more about Fairouz and Coven
  • Man in Black’s reluctant, says it’ll reopen old wounds
  • He does say that before he found Medraad, the tiefling was in an old cult with Fairouz
  • Nikolaj sneaks up two floors to eavesdrop on Grego
  • He finds him arguing with Cella
  • Grego’s been giving Cella/Coven some relics, but he won’t give them Theo's Hand
  • Cella tries convincing him to join Coven, but he refuses
  • Grego does mention that Left Hand isn’t there
  • Sebastian gets turned invisible by Elan, explores hotel
  • He finds executive suites where Boua and Aldo will stay
  • There’s an icebox full of shrimp in Aldo’s room
  • Sebastian decides to poison it later to make him sick
  • So the next morning the party disguises themselves and talks with Grego
  • They pretend tiara is a cursed item thanks to Medraad’s 'Thaumaturgy'
  • Elan acts like a superfan, Medraad reads his mind for Hand’s location
  • They find out he hid it in the theater where Sebastian's old troupe is performing
  • So they come up with plan to take the Left Hand
  • Sebastian wants to blow up his old troupe members on-stage during show
  • He sneaks into theater during rehearsal to tell Adam about plan
  • Adam warns him against it, but does mention Hand may be in the prop room
  • The rest of the party is initially reluctant to blow up troupe performers
  • Sebastian has to do a lot of convincing to get them to agree to plan
  • He tells them about betrayal at the hands of his old troupe
  • Lord Snyder, his old troupe leader, murdered by Ludovico et al
  • Ludovico et al blamed Sebastian, kicked him out of troupe
  • Party understands, agrees to it since it’ll be good distraction to get Hand
  • Sebastian stops by explosives store to pick up TNT
  • Assaj has detonators for them
  • They’ll sneak into prop room and fill fake spears with explosives
  • Also, Sebastian decides to buy a suicide vest??
  • Later in the week Gen. Boua arrives from Kanara with Adm. Aldo
  • There’s a big parade honoring Avicenna and it’s innovations
  • Setbacks at sea offset by land campaign
  • Captured Gamerian soldiers paraded down streets
  • New artillery and weapons put on display
  • Future tech and ideas set up on floats
  • The next day, it’s time for the play
  • The troupe starts performing a story of Avicennan independence
  • Avicenna broke from Gameth after death of Theo Faust
  • Left Hand will be destroyed at end of play
  • Party doesn’t have much trouble sneaking in
  • Sebastian’s invisible, Elan has to climb up to third floor
  • Medraad has on disguise of guard
  • Sebastian has on suicide vest
  • There’s a big executive balcony reserved for Boua
  • They sneak into service tunnel to get to prop room
  • The guard’s easy to convince
  • Inside they put the explosives in the spears
  • When they look for Left Hand, it turns out Verona is in there and has it!
  • Elan casts sleep, knocking her out instantly
  • Medraad uses opportunity to read Verona’s thoughts
  • Finds some info about falling out with Azrael
  • She could never work for group allied with Paoli
  • There’s scene of her visiting Fairouz’s new HQ in Myltev
  • Nikolaj thinks about killing her, but reconsiders
  • Instead he pins her down while they alert guard
  • Elan and Sebastian take Hand, dimension door out of room
  • Medraad and Nikolaj go to find rest of party
  • So Elan and Sebastian dimension doored into a 2nd-floor restroom
  • Play’s begun, standing ovation for Boua
  • Both of them are tempted to touch Left Hand
  • Sebastian does, and is briefly possessed by Theo Faust
  • He’s a pretty chill dude, if a little crazy
  • Nikolaj takes it away from them, snaps Sebastian out of it
  • Elan and Medraad leave theater with the Left Hand firmly wrapped up
  • Aldo rushes past to puke his guts out in bathroom
  • Shrimp food poisoning is the worst, man
  • But Sebastian has unfinished business
  • He squeezes into the front row crowd, detonates fake spears
  • All five treacherous troupe members are killed instantly
  • He runs onstage to confirm they’re all dead (they are)
  • He sees Adam shocked and crying backstage, convinces him to join party
  • Because Sebastian has one last piece of business to attend to
  • He sees Gen. Boua being rushed out of theater
  • With good athletics roll, he rushes outside to catch them
  • Boua’s boarding carriage, Sebastian jumps on
  • Final words as he jumps onto the side of the carriage: “Got milk?”
  • Sebastian blows himself up, killing Boua and guards instantly
  • He wakes up in Elysium with Ervio standing over him
  • The goddess says she didn’t expect Sebastian to make it, but she hands him some milk
  • Nikolaj is outside theater when explosion happens
  • A distraught Adam approaches him, still taking in news
  • Nikolaj comforts him, brings him back to Assaj’s tea shop
  • They drink something hard that night
  • Meanwhile
  • Aldo is puking his guts out when he hears the explosions
  • When he hears the second blast he knows something is up
  • A guard comes in to tell him that Gen. Boua was killed
  • According to the reformed succession rules, Aldo is next in line to lead Avicenna
  • He runs out to throw up some more
  • In the fallout of the explosion, Adam meets the rest of party
  • Medraad reveals he’s a tiefling, they fill Adam in on adventure
  • Adam’s very overwhelmed and shocked, but he agrees to join the party
  • Assaj signs him up as member of the Handgun, gets Sebastian’s pay
  • Elan helps calm him down, plays some music
  • They end up selling Sebastian’s cow to a local butcher for 180 GP
  • They have one last big dinner in Sebastian’s honor before leaving town
Report Date
07 Apr 2019
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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