A male kuo-toa and former captain of the Holy Boater, 919 - 924. A devout and god-fearing fishfolk, Dolooloobogg worships all the Ageless One-approved deities to ensure that a higher power is always watching over him and his crew. He performs an elaborate ritual every morning to determine which deity he'll worship that day.
In the summer of 924 he oversaw a series of successful raids against Sardivelian vessels, including a few dangerous run-ins with sahuagadiles and storm giants. By that fall he could see that his crew was ready to move on to bigger and better things, coupled with the fact that he hadn't received any divine guidance in several months he decided to retire from a life of piracy. He appointed Sarek Zureth as the new captain of the Holy Boater before traveling into the Campanel Desert for a pilgrimage to the Holy City of Dhamma.