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DW Session 33: Luuk's 1st Wish

General Summary

  • The party continues its voyage to the dwarven nation of Thorvald, ambivalent with how events turned out at Filip’s lighthouse
  • On the one hand, things didn’t turn violent
  • On the other hand, what’ll happen if Filip can’t control the Elder Brain?
  • Helena tells Queen Astrid about all of this in her weekly report, trying to put a positive spin on Filip’s intentions
  • Beleren does likewise with his Shroud contacts, though less generous towards Filip
  • Jax also tells Paoli about everything that happened at the lighthouse, Paoli finds it a delightful story
  • Paoli asks Jax about one of his allies aboard the Castellan II, Christopher Isherwood
  • Christopher owes Paoli more 250,000GP in gambling debts, so would Jax be kind enough to make sure to hand Christopher over to some Sardivelian authorities in Grettir for questioning?
  • He’ll get paid 25,000GP for it, and his family will get their ancestral stronghold near Garavecchio back
  • Jax agrees, even though he really hates Paoli
  • That evening the party and crew all hang out in the mess hall playing cards and getting to know each other
  • Christopher gambles with Flora and Jax, he loses half of what he bet
  • Jax acts a little weird around Christopher, pretends it’s no big deal
  • Beleren’s just sitting at the other end of the mess hall, so Kacie goes over to call him out on his brooding BS
  • Beleren then goes over to hang out with the rest of the group, explaining why he’s not the best at up-close fighting like Jax and most of the crew are
  • Margaret chides him for not fighting Gleb during the Invasion, but Jax defends Beleren’s honor
  • Christopher even convinces Beleren to drink with them, some Elflands apple cider he picked up in Oblast
  • Jax hits on Helena some more, checking to see if she’s single or not
  • She had a girlfriend back in Gameria’s Archives, but they broke up when she got the assignment to join the RKB on their adventure
  • Jax asks if she’s into strapping dwarven men such as himself, gets into a test of strength with Simon to prove his mettle
  • Helena goes along with the flirting, says that she’s fine with seeing more of Jax’s other skills and research abilities
  • While all of this going on, Cereus comes down from above-deck and tells them all that a giant fish is smoking hookah above deck.
  • Upstairs the party meets Luuk Linden Jansen de Groot III, a marid from the Plane of Water summoned by the Sunken God and Jones Burns
  • Jones Burns’ three wishes, in descending order, were ‘Attack the RKB, Attack the RKB, and Attack the RKB’
  • So that’s what he’s here to do, but not before having some pleasant back-and-forth with the group to find out what makes them tick
  • He asks them about what they value, who’d they sacrifice, and the party members all give very heroic and selfless answers
  • Jax gives Luuk a run for his money by lawyering the meaning of one of the questions, Luuk enjoys this Sardivelian negotiating style
  • But Luuk must summon at least one encounter while he’s here, so he generates a frost salamander and some sahuagin for the party to fight
  • The crew joins in the battle, and they do a good job of dispatching with at least one of the sahuagin
  • Jax discovers that the Salamander is vulnerable to fire damage, so he throws a molotov cocktail even though he’s within the blast radius
  • Flora and Cereus join in on the action by casting Flame Strike and Flame Blade
  • But as a coup-de-grace, the Salamander casts a wave of cold breath that KO’s half the party
  • Helena, already weakened by a sahuagin attack, is frozen to death in seconds by the cold breath
  • Once the Salamander and sahuagin are killed, Flora and Jax rush over to try and save her life.
  • Cereus has to cast Produce Flame to try and melt enough of the ice off of Helena, and Flora manages to cast Revivify seconds before the spell’s window of effectiveness passes
  • Jax carries a shivering Helena back to her quarters, she passes out almost immediately
  • Over the next couple of weeks he’ll read her stories and check to make sure she recovers nicely
  • It should be said that Flora tried to play matchmaker with Helena and Cereus, but the two of them didn’t hit it off that great when they researched books in Filip’s library.
Report Date
29 Mar 2020
Primary Location


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