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DW Session 4: A Sinking Feeling

General Summary

  • Party sails towards Kassadeia for next mission with the Characters
  • Something to do with killing some Elflands royals
  • Adam gets pestered by Cassandra for stories about Sebastian
  • He tries to say Sebastian wasn’t a very political figure
  • Cared more about cows and milk
  • Cassandra refuses to believe that, points to actions in Avicenna where he assassinated a military dictator in a suicide bombing
  • Out in the Karaga Ocean Cereus and Amara notice a herd of sharks
  • It’s getting closer
  • Hey, there are people on those sharks!
  • A pack of Sahuagin fighters attack the ship
  • -Fish people with legs, fangs, and tridents
  • Boss Fight: Sahuagin Warriers and Bluefin Tuna
  • Gell takes a lot of hits for some reason
  • Cereus casts 'Sleet Storm', all sahuagin except Bluefin fall prone
  • Adam and Amara do a good job of killing the prone fish
  • Gell stabs Bluefin in the face, pack of sahuagin defeated
  • One of warriors is tied up and kept for questioning
  • Elan is brought above deck since she can understand Abyssal
  • The sahuagin says they were doing the Sunken God's bidding
  • Before long the rest of world will know the Sunken God's power
  • Sahuagin’s eyes turn dark blue and he dissolves into pile of fish
  • Elan, Adam, and Gell notice a book near the sahuagin’s body
  • But Amara and Cereus can’t see it
  • This book is about a lost guppy who’s led home by powerful creature
  • A creature with dark blue eyes
  • The three of them have bad dreams for rest of the journey
  • Visions of underwater cities and a monster with blue eyes
  • Amara finds a hot sailor to sleep with for rest of voyage
  • Party arrives back in Kassadeia
  • Cassandra’s forged documents work fine to get into town
  • The city’s swarming with guards and police since Temple of the Ageless One explosion
  • Elan, Adam, and Gella are still having bad dreams
  • Cassandra has business in town, but she tells them mission details
  • Time to go kill Prince Benedict and Princess Beatrice
  • They’ve been holed up in Imperial Library for about a week now
  • The Party goes over to Imperial Library
  • Imagine Gameria’s Archives, but five times larger
  • And there are ghosts wandering around
  • They look like mortals, but covered in bedsheets
  • Wandering around, reading books and shelving them incorrectly
  • Party finds Beatrice and Benedict’s private study pretty easily
  • Only problem is there are five guards surrounding the entrance
  • So the party hits the books to learn more about Characters/Elflands
  • First, they find a ghost to talk to about everything
  • Cereus meets Mr. Ghost, an elven ghost who likes gardening
  • Adam asks him how many cows the Characters has
  • Mr. Ghost has precise number, Adam’s satisfied
  • Mr. Ghost then goes with Gell to gardening section of library
  • The rest of the group goes to read more about Characters
  • Amara gets distracted by nautical erotica
  • Cereus and Adam find a history of Characters movement
  • It started about a decade ago
  • Protests began in Noggin, spread to other provinces
  • The leaders fiercely maintain anonymity/pseudonyms
  • Names like Accuser, Songstress, and Mariner
  • The party recognizes the Accuser’s mask from Noggin
  • Cereus learns more about Benedict and Beatrice
  • They’re looking for mystical ways to suppress people
  • Police and weapons will only go so far
  • Beatrice & Benedict are well-respected mages
  • Party regroups, tries to break into study
  • They convince Mr. Ghost to distract guards
  • Some are playing cards, he makes cards levitate
  • This gets them to run downstairs, leaving 2 at the door
  • Cereus’ 'Pass Without Trace' gets them to door undetected
  • Except for Cereus, but he does good job of playing dumb
  • Meanwhile Adam and Gell KO the two guards
  • They’re dragged into nearby study to hide
  • So it’s finally time to look inside study
  • Bookshelves are scratched and destroyed
  • Books are scattered around the floor
  • Two elven figures are crouched in a corner
  • They’re chanting in abyssal/elven combo
  • Party decides to have Adam/Gell grapple them to ground
  • It works like a charm
  • Beatrice and Benedict chatter madly about the Sunken God
  • Their eyes are dark blue, gills growing on neck
  • The Sunken God will usher in the age of Sea
  • The age of land is soon over
  • Only the enlightened will survive to see the age of Sea
  • Adam, Gell, and Elan have become enlightened
  • Tired of monologuing, Gell kills them both
  • The party leaves mostly undetected
  • The other guards return, but only notice Cereus
  • Again, he’s good at playing clueless
  • Party runs into Mr. Ghost again, say their farewells
  • They promise to say hi again, help him learn identity
  • On the way back to hotel, party notices they’re being followed
  • An elf with black hair and dark clothes is tailing them
  • They head into back alley, prepare to jump him
  • But when elf enters alley, he deftly avoids Adam and Gell
  • Elf says it’s been a long time since he’s seen Adam
  • Adam’s confused, until the elf drops his glamour
  • Turns out it’s Medraad Le Fay, back from the dead
  • A few more gray hairs, glad to see Adam et al
  • A little disappointed that Elan isn’t with them
  • Medraad takes them to local cigar shop, explains how he’s alive
  • It took a decade, but the Man in Black found a solution
  • He wouldn’t say how, but Medraad’s free to roam world again
  • They go into cigar shop’s back office
  • It teleports them to the Shroud’s HQ in Kanara
  • Shroud’s been using it as their HQ since the end of the Fairouz Terror
  • Medraad explains his reason for reaching out to them
  • Says there’s been an uptick in attacks by sahuagin and water-themed cults
  • Fragmented groups organizing into Cult of the Sunken God
  • Incidents began in the years after Aldo killed the kraken
  • Left unchecked, they’ll usher in the age of Sea
  • The Shroud and party can work together
  • Party can get info on Age of Sea and how to beat the Sunken God
  • Theo Faust is the last person to fight Sunken God
  • His left hand went missing, so try to find him
  • Shroud can help party deal with madness
  • That way they won’t end up like Beatrice and Benedict
  • Medraad knows a guy who can treat their condition
  • Also, find out more about Characters and endgame
  • Party agrees to alliance, gets contact info to treat madness
  • Someone named High Priest Yoho in Oridelfa
  • They head back to hotel for the night, get 500GP for mission
Report Date
31 Aug 2019
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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