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GHG Session 32: Putting Your Toys Away

General Summary

Month 13, Week 2, Year 918
  With reinforcements from Chusei University on their side, the Fortunate Five raced down into Monomakh's lair to rescue Reetma from more crystalline experiments. The lair was riddled with traps, captured lizardfolk transforming into crystal monstrosities that immobilized Ysmyrelda with a miasma of powdery crystals. The gems embedded into Reetma and Ys' bodies also worked to Monomakh's advantage, activating random bursts of telekinetic activity making them teleport to dangerous parts of the lair or attack party members with gobs of debris.    But the party had numbers and passion on their side, ducking past obstacles to rescue Reetma in a matter of seconds. Knowing that Monomakh could only levitate up or down from the fixed location of his magic circle, the party trapped him with a series of spells like Bubbles' 'Hunger of Hadar' to keep him from casting more spells like 'Cloudkill'. Vernost flew up to the ceiling to batter Monomakh up-close, and a newly-freed Reetma tossed Beguiler up into the air to assist the raging dragonborn. Oh Klahoma and Oshima hacked away at the crystal abominations, and Zan'kiri raced down the hallways branching off from the lair's center to find Monomakh's power source. Windred stayed far away from the fray, having Cheyeashtai fly into the center of things in its beast form to harrass any hapless archmages in sight. It was hair-raising experience for Zan'kiri, but he eventually grabbed ahold of Monomakh's power source: a flimsy push puppet in the shape of a purple tiefling.    Monomakh's facade quickly fell apart afterwards, the remaining crystal monsters falling to arrows and blades and talons alike. Battered but without any casualties, the FF pilfered Monomakh's remains to seize a leathery old Bag of Holding and some Gauntlets of Celestial Strength. Zan'kiri was unable to find the archmage's spellbook, but he did discover a large stone doorway at the end of the lair and a map of the dungeon's first few levels beyond the portal. Monomakh's powerful spellbook no doubt rested at the end of the megadungeon, but for the time being the party would have to take another much-needed break at the bathhouse. Vernost and the other Chusei guards quickly ditched the FF for Oh Klahoma's retirement party, disturbed by the group's insane displays of arcane power.    Over the weekend the party took plenty of time to rest and recover from its encounter with Monomakh. Reetma slept by the altar of Eldath overnight with Beguiler at his side, trying to process all the death and trauma he'd experienced in just one week of work for Chusei University. He had an amicable chat with Ys and appeared open to the idea of rejoining the FF, but it was clear that there were still some hard feelings after Ys left him behind in Monomakh's lair. While Windred hunted down Ys for some surgery on her gem-encrusted hand, Zan'kiri returned to the sewer entrance to go and start hunting for Monomakh's journal only to be stopped by Chusei guards led by Toshiro Matsui. With Monomakh defeated the lair and its adjoining dungeon had been claimed as a new archaeological site by the university, no doubt making for plenty of delightful conversations between Zan'kiri and the school's headmistress during the party's next meeting with Kyoko Hara...    

Rewards Granted

  • The party reached lvl 7
  • The party obtained Gauntlets of Celestial Strength
  • The party obtained a Bag of Holding

Character(s) interacted with

  • Monomakh: That whole only moving vertical thing? Doesn't really pan out in combat
  • Samira Kayhane: Appreciative of Zan'kiri's magic contributions, we'll leave it at that
  • Toshiro Matsui: Head of Chusei's security department, him and the party aren't really meshing after a week of working together
  • Dranaya: A very, very old worshiper of Eldath in Sanjuro City who befriend Reetma and Beguiler

Report Date
30 Nov 2021
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