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GHG Session 38: Leaping to Conclusions

General Summary

Month 1, Week 1, Year 919
  With a batch of common thieves dispatched with ease, the party continued its journey into the Koulan Forests. The day proved uncomfortably calm, a clear winter day without any interruptions putting the party on edge. Sure enough, Zan'kiri vanished from the group for six whole minutes while the Fortunate Five scrambled to find a way to stop his skeletons from pulling the carts. Beguiler summoned a pizza elemental to destroy the skeletons and Reetma punched them to smithereens, only for both of them to suffer the incredible force of Zan'kiri's skeletal defensive measures. Frogina started freaking out in the absence of her mentor and tried attacking members of the party, only for the githyanki to reappear with a festering wound of black necrotic energy leaking from his midsection. He managed to kill over a dozen people while summoned by his Horn to Oda Clan, but he couldn't escape every blow.   While Reetma, Windred, and Ys patched him up with various healing abilities, the party also pondered ways of dealing with Frogina's antagonistic attitude towards the rest of the party. After sleeping off his wounds Zan'kiri made sure to slap some sense into the bullywug, making sure that she was fighting on behalf on the entire group and not just for the sake of her master. This seemed to rein in her impulsive nature, staying quiet on the journey south even when offered Thranoslav-roasted pine nuts from Beguiler. During watch that night Reetma asked Beguiler if the group was always this dysfunctional, the grung explaining how the chaos and incredible violence helped serve a productive end.   On Wednesday afternoon the winds started whipping up a fierce winter storm, slowing down the party's progress through the forests. Perhaps it was this blinding cold that stopped the party from anticipating an attack from a corpse flower later that evening, outflanked on several sides by its corpselike offspring. Most of the party managed to stay safe inside the cart while Zan'kiri slowed down the plant with his webbing, but those who rushed into the fray like Xa'kara and Frogina quickly suffered the stench of the flower's corrupting powers. A moment came when Frogina was knocked unconscious by a violent blow from the plant, but Zan'kiri showed mercy and revived his fallen apprentice. The bullywug perhaps innately understood the potential of this second chance, using the opportunity to sap the life force out of the corpse flower and kill its remaining seedlings (the flower was briefly transformed into a rat by Windred that Reetma failed to grapple, helping set the stage for such a dramatic act of groundskeeping).   Zan'kiri showed the smallest mite of pride towards his apprentice that evening, the party calling an early night as the weather turned colder and colder. Reetma meditated with Xa'kara on the concept of finding peace in a violent world, and the group pondered what lay inside the White Forest and beyond. Ownka Ramm's warcamp felt tantalizingly close now, just a single day's journey away...

Report Date
11 Jan 2022
Primary Location
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