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IoNT Session 3: An Expedition Ends

General Summary

Month 5, Week 1 - Month 5, Week 2, Year 928
  The fight raged on in Sviatoslav's lair, a dangerous wave of magic energy slowly flooding the room while half a dozen Handgun agents harrassed the Special Research Division. The party managed to get some blows in, Softas Snow eventually knocked out by a barrage of spells and elemental attacks. But a retaliatory stabbing from the Red Whisper left Cressedia wounded, throwing Kite into a frenzied rage as she fired a flurry of bolts at the thief. Each attack was more merciless than the last, and in a matter of moments the Red Whisper was nothing more than a charred skeleton on the ground.    The remaining Handgun agents started to rethink their mission with their two strongest agents incapacitated, leading to a ceasefire that allowed the SRD to escape the flooded lair and return safely to Sanjuro City. The party remembered to give Hotaru the 4,000-year-old rations they discovered, the security agent biting off more than he could chew with this prize.    Back at Chusei University the party decided to take a break from adventuring, choosing to stay in town to further study the mysteries behind Sviatoslav's mask. Plus the Handgun's leaders would not be pleased to find out about the death of one of their most talented agents, so the party decided the best strategy was to stay on campus in case the thieves guild attempted any retaliatory moves. Prof. Klute and even Kyoko Hara herself were pleased with the party's successful expedition, granting the Special Research Division plenty of leeway to pursue their personal ambitions over the next few years.

Rewards Granted

  • The party successfully retrieved Sviatoslav's death mask

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
07 Jul 2023
Secondary Location
Featured Players


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