KKO Session 1: A Wedding and a Tiefling
General Summary
- The party’s been hired as guards for a wedding in Sanjuro City: a halfling bard name Bucephalus the Rambunctious, a black dragonborn paladin named Balasar, and a kuo-toa cleric named Guppy Yoho
- Taka Kawa and Mitsune Kiri are being married to end centuries of feuding
- Party was recruited by Chagall Kawa, the groom’s father
- General mood of celebration and relief at wedding
- Party gets to know each other
- Bucephalus tries playing for the clan elders, but his lute breaks
- He leaves with his dignity at least
- Balasar is a little reluctant to share past and why he’s adventuring
- Guppy says he was shipwrecked and saw Seevo, god of the sea
- They run into a tiefling named Judith who’s worried about something happening
- Later on the party notices a suspicious man in a white suit, sneaking up to third floor, where the bridal chambers are
- Bucephalus sneaks into room, Balasar and Guppy wait in hallway
- Bucephalus discovers Taka and Mistune murdered in their beds!
- Man in white sneaks up from behind and stabs him
- Boss Fight: The Man in White
- Bucephalus takes several licks
- He has to wait a couple rounds before Balasar and Guppy get to room
- Balasar tries to hit man in white, but keeps missing
- Eventually Guppy goes wild and beats man in white to death with a mace
- In the fallout Bucephalus investigates the killer/murder victims
- The man in white dissolves into pile of burnt paper upon man’s death
- Taka and Mitsune were murdered with expert precision in their sleep
- An origami dragon is found on the pillow with their names written on it
- That’s when Chagall Kawa comes in with some guards, assumes they killed newlyweds
- In moment of quick thinking, Balasar breaks open room window with spear
- He jumps through it with Guppy and Bucephalus in his arms
- They all take damage, Bucephalus is nearly killed by fall
- Party has to run through different streets and alleys
- Almost gets caught by guards, but Guppy finds seedy cafe for them to hide in
- Balasar dives inside, the staff gives them a hidden room to stay in
- They’re given food, told to lay low by staff till a ‘client’ stops by
- Bucephalus stabilizes his wounds
- After a while Judith the tiefling joins them in their hidden booth
- She explains how they ran into a member of the Paper Dragons, a shadowy criminal group who’s long profited from the Kiri-Kawa wars
- Judith works for minor clan elder interested in stopping them
- She drops three piles of 100GP each onto table, the amount they would’ve been paid for guard gig
- She offers them more stable work and an escape out of the city
- She doesn’t provide many details beyond that
- The party agrees despite suspicions about Judith’s motives
- Balasar wants to clear his name, Bucephalus needs lute strings
- They have one last meal before sneaking into wagon and out of city
Report Date
02 Apr 2019
Primary Location