KKO Session 3: Melt Your Problems Away
General Summary
- Made it to mining town of Dolian
- The town is full of forges and blacksmiths, and so far it’s neutral in war
- Kiri and Kawa clans both visiting to try to get leader to join
- Judith meets up with party and pays them for last mission
- She tells them about Watanabe, their next target
- He’s an arms dealer, one of Paper Dragon’s leaders
- Eliminate him in whatever way they see fit
- In Dolian the party looks around for lead on Watanabe
- They find a sketchy arms dealer who may give them a lead
- But Bucephalus gets distracted by all the cool crossbows he’s selling
- There’s an Avicennan one, but it’s crazy expensive
- Arms dealer will give him a magic crossbow if they do an odd job
- Rough up the town elder and get him to join the Kiri-Kawa war
- For some reason, the party agrees!
- They follow the town elder around for a while, he’s a dwarf named Kjartan Burrowfound
- He likes to stick to a routine, and at night he goes to his favorite bistro
- Balasar and Guppy make a distraction, beat up elder’s guards
- Meanwhile Bucephalus uses Rexfur Amulet to go invisible
- He puts knife to elder’s back, threatens him to join Kiri side
- Party regroups once they’ve accomplished mission, meet back up with arms dealer
- Dealer is impressed, says his boss is impressed with their work
- He takes them to club to introduce them to Watanabe
- He’s an elf with a Clark Gable mustache
- Watanabe talks about all the money they’re going to make from arms deal
- And it’s all thanks to the party’s help!
- He’ll give them more Avicennan weapons if they agree to one more mission
- They’re handed an origami flamingo with Tevlin’s name on it
- Party pretends to agree then heads over to Tevlin’s place
- They find Tevlin with a guy and girl at his hotel room, they fill him in on day’s events
- Tevlin’s upset that they helped Paper Dragons make lucrative arms deal
- But at least they have good lead on Watanabe’s whereabouts/goals
- They’ll pretend they caught Tevlin and get Watanabe to come to hotel
- To prepare for the plan they go shopping for tar and pitch
- Old veteran weapons master gives them barrel of it for 500GP
- They put the items on Tevlin’s tab
- It’s game night, and party is waiting inside Tevlin’s room for Watanabe
- Balasar’s in the hallway, invites Watanabe and 3 guards into room
- Watanabe opens door, and barrel’s worth of green pitch falls on him
- He melts apart and dies instantly, a nearby guard loses an arm
- Balasar takes a lot of licks, but kills a couple of guards
- He splits one in half with his axe, melts second guy with acid breath
- Tevlin tosses throwing knife at armless guard and kills him
- Bucephalus tries to jump into hallway, falls through acid puddle
- Guppy helps out by healing Balasar!
- They party with Tevlin that night, learn more about his backstory
- The next morning they wake up and find a Paper Dragon trying to kill Tevlin!
- Tevlin survives, but assassin escapes and flips them off while he runs away
- Tevlin uses bone powder in a ritual to summon image of Judith, tell her about mission
- She’s not super pleased with all the choices, but at least Watanabe’s dead
- Their next mission will take them west to the coast
- It’ll take them through dragonborn territory, if that’s ok w/ Balasar
- Party gets paid 150GP for mission, levels up, then gets the hell out of Dolian
Report Date
23 Apr 2019
Primary Location