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Lakefinder Session 2: Bug Burning

General Summary

Month 8, Week 4 - Month 9, Week 1, Year 935
  The party arrived in Orem, the capital of Sabha with all its opulence and inequality on full display. They headed straight for Tahrir College to meet with Marigold High-hill about the sahuagadile contract, learning more about the nature of the creature and how it had already killed several groups of adventurers. Marigold paid for their lodgings in town along with some camels and a thri-kreen sherpa for their journey to Qazvin  Thanks to the thri-kreen's guidance they managed to avoid several dangerous encounters over the course of their ten-day journey, but early in the trip they did have a run-in with a couple of ankhegs. The mother of the brood knocked out Eraji and nearly dragged her into her nest for a feeding frenzy, but Jaariko's explosives distracted the creature while Leena quickly healed her fallen ally. A blend of MESA's psychic attacks and Karly's firebolts turned the tide of battle in their favor, leaving behind nothing but a pile of the dead bugs. A couple of days later the party came across an ancient shrine devoted to the Ageless One that they washed and cleaned up after years of neglect.    They finally arrived in Qazvin, a desolate city where only a fraction of the city's population still remained. Leena learned about some disappearances caused by the sahuagadile while she healed the locals, most of them occuring by the waters near the sheer cliffsides on the edge of town. Not one to waste time, the party quickly descended down the cliffs to confront this monster that'd been harassing Qazvin's inhabitants for more than a decade.

Rewards Granted

  • 20 XP - Showing up
  • 100 XP - Ankheg encounter

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
07 May 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Featured Players


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