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Lakefinder Session 5: To Catch a Thief

General Summary

Month 9, Week 4, Year 935
  The party was determined to interfer with the Handgun's distribution of stolen magic items, so they set out on an elaborate plot to find out where the items were picked up. Eraji staked out the Handgun safehouse in Orem, and later that evening Leena and Karly set out on a charm offensive to seduce a couple of the rogues guarding the place.    Karly proved more successful than Leena, dressed in a smart business suit she managed to wine and dine one of the rogues named Bardoc. With Jaariko keeping watch with the others, Karly managed to convince Bardoc to take her back to the Handgun safehouse for some quality time together. Some secrets were revealed along the way, like how the Handgun used magic boxes to teleport their items when they were ready for distribution.

Leena managed to interrupt Karly and Bardoc before things faded to black, and the party returned to the Toasted Bullywug to plan out the next step of the mission. If the party managed to obtained the Handgun's ledgers of transactions that would shut down their operations in Orem, the question proved to be how to best cause a diversion.

Rewards Granted

  • 20 XP - Showing Up
  • 30 XP - Moderate and Minor accomplishments

Character(s) interacted with

  • Henrik and Bardoc - two Handgun agents seduced(?) by the party
Report Date
11 Jun 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Featured Players


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