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Lakefinder Session 6: Explosive Surprises

General Summary

Month 9, Week 4, Year 935
  Having scoped out the Handgun's safehouse the night before, the party was ready for the break-in. Jaariko started things off with a giant explosion in the neighborhood, nearly collapsing an entire house and drawing the attention of Orem's dragonborn guards. He tried to pin the blame for the explosion on the Handgun, but the guards immediately started thinking yuan-ti cultists were behind the attack.   Meanwhile the rest of the group broke into the safehouse, Leena racing for the thieves guild's ledger while Eraji fended off attacks from the rogues Henrik and Bardoc. A bout of confusion nearly led to the yuan-ti attacking her own allies, but she came back to her senses in time to skewer Bardoc and threaten Henrik enough to get him to flee the scene. Karly, shocked by the carnage and violence against other human beings, fled back to the Toasted Bullywug tavern while the rest of the party finished the mission.    It took a couple hours for everybody to make it back to the tavern, guards patrolling every corner as the townspeople feared the threat of cultists returning to Orem. Leena pored through the Handgun ledger, finding plenty of incriminating transactions and 'acquisitions' that the local authorities would love to read all about. The ancient draconic astrolabe, the one stolen from Alia Kazemi and the reason for the party's vendetta against the Handgun, was sold to a couple of kuo-toa named Xeep and Sloop.    Later that night Jaariko tried talking with Karly about the day's events, explaining that their line of work would involve the occasional murder if people got in the way of their ambitions. It was hard to tell whether the words were encouraging enough for the young halfling, and it remained to be seen if she'd stay in the adventuring life or not.

Rewards Granted

  • 20 XP - Showing up
  • 30 XP - Moderate Accomplishment
  • 100 XP - Fight with Handgun agents

Character(s) interacted with

  • Bardoc - a dead Handgun agent
  • Henrik - an escaped Handgun agent
Report Date
25 Jul 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Featured Players


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