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The Lone Pilgrim's Duel

General Summary

Month 11, Week 1, Year 935
  A Letter from Welgrace to High Priest Heiwa of Sanjuro City   Your Holiness,   As requested I have wandered through the Koulan Forests once more, this time to locate a missing patrol of guards from Strawberry Fields. Koulan's corruption grows with every passing month, and this journey proved more challenging than my summer expedition.    I have yet to meet the wicked druid Cella face-to-face, but her minions and festering influence on the forest is felt everywhere. Early on my journey I fended off a pack of venomous myconids, my armor protected me against their spiky excretions yet their bodies continued to infect the woods even in death. My prayers and ceremonies are cool drops of water in a blazing desert, providing little relief to this blighted land.    And yet hope still survives, hidden away in seclusion. A wood elf by the name of Nyana assisted me in my journey, guiding me towards the missing patrol and gifting me a dagger she'd discovered deep in the forest's interior. I've sent the blade along with this letter, its enchanted nature and draconic design leads me to believe it to be an artifact dating back to the times before the Ageless One graced this world. I hope it will make a fine addition to the Museum of Natural Wonders.   This gift proved fortuitous, providing salvation during the final leg of my journey. I had discovered the guards, their throats bulging with purple veins while inky tears spilled from their eyes. Wracking coughs heralded a slow and painful death, and lording over the suffering was one of Cella's dark agents. A knight who went by the name Radovan, agreeing to a duel in exchange for some of Cella's secrets. Despite his appearance as a weathered and aging mercenary, a passion for the fight burned in his eyes. He fought harder than any foe I've ever encountered, nimbly dodging every strike of my blade and returning each blow with a vengeance. Were it not for Nyana's dagger I would surely be waiting for my next incarnation beside the Ageless One, but the blade's magic allowed me to land a strike that left Radovan shaken.    I tended to the guards and their last rites, Radovan's warnings of Cella's machinations gnawing at my mind. This druid seeks to ignite a plague, spanning continents and killing millions in service of a vile entity she once communed with as a young woman. This disease is contagious, gruesome, and cruel, we must quarantine the forest to prevent its spread to all corners of Ekal. Sardivelia will no doubt grumble at the disruption in commerce, but Cella's disease must burn itself out before it can spread. I will speak with officials in Craxi and Mokazai to urge these measures on, and I have faith that Kyoko will heed your warnings.
Report Date
24 Aug 2024
Primary Location
Featured Characters
  • Welgrace 


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