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Ballad of the Fallen Angels

In a time, long forgotten, when the world was still young, the angels did bask in her love. 
Adonia, the joyful, the loving and graceful, her seraphs as white as the dove.   She tasked them to serve us, mere mortals below, bringing us love and peace.
But many grew bitter, they saw us as litter, and wished to deny us poor beasts.   These angels denied us, dismayed and surprised us – bringing us horrors instead.
Adonia grew angry, she saw their fell fancies, and banished them down to the dread.   Away from their mistress, the angels felt distress, their new home was not so kind.
The Hells they did call it, evil and twisted, it began to warp and bind.   The angels transformed, their virtue deformed, their wings like that of a bat.
A tail did sprout, from here just about, pointed and flicking like a cat.   But perhaps worst of all, as part of their fall, the love of the angels was lost.
Their love turned to lust, their hips did they thrust, and they called them the Succubus.   Now some of these fiends, were not what they seemed, they still wished to live up above.
They craved for their matron, they missed her kind nature, and wanted to bathe in her love.   Adonia had mercy, she saw they were hurting, so a second chance they could rent.
A chance to return, could only be earned, if these devils could truly repent.   Some were successful, they proved worth a rescue, and Adonia returned them back home.
But their forms were still fiendish, not one for the squeamish, but hey – they weren’t alone.   For their friends and companions, awaited their lost ones, reunited once more upon high.
Relations resumed, their bodies consumed, in a union most devilish and divine.   And the spawn of this coupling, was something quite troubling, neither truly angel nor fiend.
Caught between the lines, these creatures did find, that nowhere would call them a… frieend?

This ballad, written by an ancient nameless bard, was found in the ancient library of Kain in the Ruins of Akai. It seems to reference the fall of Adonia's angels, who turned into Succubi.


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