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Devils & The Hells


  There are seven archdevils, who each rule a layer of hell. Each archdevil is represented by a colour. It is said that should the flames around you change to one of these colours, a devil is afoot.  

Pride, The Arrogant

The purple archdevil...  

Envy, The Jealous

The green archdevil...  

Lust, The Lascivious

The gold archdevil...  

Greed, The Avaricious

The blue archdevil...  

Gluttony, The Voracious

The white archdevil...  

Wrath, The Furious

The black archdevil...  

Sloth, The Indolent

The red archdevil...  


  Tieflings descend from one of these archdevils, it is possible to tell which one by the colour of their eyes.


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