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There are mystical creatures throughout the world of Ekina, ranging from the small and harmless to very large and very dangerous ones. The most famous of such creatures are dragons. Dragons of Ekina come in all shapes and sizes, but generally fall into 4 categories - Fire, Wind, Water and Earth.    Rumours suggest that there are also dragons of Light and Darkness, but such claims are usually dismissed as myth. Dragons are highly intelligent creatures, capable of speech and reasoning. That being the case, it is always wise to be cautious should you ever meet one.   Fire Dragons are destructive and ferocious. They enjoy burning down everything around them, be it a natural forest or constructed citadel. The appearance of a Fire Dragon is often met with panic, death, and a swift response by those brave enough to face the beast.   Water Dragons are much more docile than their fiery cousins. These dragons rarely harm other sentient beings, and have in the past been known to aid them. Many tales tell of lost travellers being guided to safety by a Water Dragon.   Earth Dragons are rarely seen, but never missed. An Earth Dragon's presence is usually proceeded by tremors in the ground, which could easily be mistaken for minor earthquakes. Although not immediately hostile, Earth Dragons have been known to attack villages when the need arises - often to steal food or treasures from the inhabitants.   Air Dragons are perhaps the rarest of the 4 types, and thus the most mysterious. They tend to be found living in high places, often above the clouds. Not much is known about them as it is extremely uncommon to find an Air Dragon on the ground.


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