BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 1

General Summary

6 individuals converge on the statue of Afflencia. They each take a moment to look upon the statue as nearby screams begin to disturb the city's streets. As the crowds begin to flee, it becomes clear what the problem is - a giant eyeball with more eyeballs wiggly above it has appeared, and is shooting beams at people!   The 6 individuals rush forward, and battle ensues. The tiefling Templar ducks just in time to avoid being disintegrated, but loses a horn in the process.   The creature thrashes it's eyestalks, paralysing the half-elven cleric of Mortona as the rest of the would-be heroes wail on the beast. The somewhat already dead creature is defeated - incinerated by a radiant blast from the no longer paralysed cleric.   Emerging from a barrel, the mayor's aide - Harris Kanes, congratulates the group on their victory commending them on their bravery in the face of such a hideous creature. The group introduce themselves to the mayor's aide - as well as to each other. As the Order of the Shield arrive, Harris invites the group back to the mayor's estate, as it seems they have an issue that the group could help them with.   The mayor, Tomias Stoutson, rewards the group for their bravery before offering the chance to earn more coin. It seems that food supplies from Chimuk, a town to the south of the capital, have slowed to a stop. Tomias has sent an investigator called Valen from the Order of the Shield to find out what's happened - but she has not reported back. Likewise, no travellers or knights have come back from Chimuk in a few days.   Fearing that something's amiss in the town, the mayor had been looking for some outsiders to investigate, and these new possible adventurers may be what he needed.   The group agree to do as the mayor asks, and decide to leave the city the following morning.   With time to spare, some members of the group take care of errands. Veda, the group's bard, visits her father - the Master of Lore. There she learns that the creature they fought may be what's referred to as an 'Eye Tyrant' a creature alien to this land.   Godric, the group's paladin, reports the day's events to Commander Janson - who seems largely uninterested. Whilst at the HQ, Godric earns the nickname 'Stubs' due to his now deformed horn.   Marty, the group's cleric, returns to the scene where the earlier battle took place, and wows a guard with a taro card reading.   The group meet up in the evening at the Water Dragon Tavern to enjoy a meal, paid for by the mayor. Their meal is gatecrashed by Rosie Miz, the proprietor of the tavern who seems to have an unusual interest in Godric, Veda and Leah-Avi, the group's nature-based spellcaster. After some intrusive questioning of the group, Eva - the group's mysterious superstar, slips out for a prior engagement. Atlas, the group's rogue, attempts to follow the woman but loses her in the crowd.   Eva makes her way to the Lover's Nest, where she finds Commander Janson waiting for her. It seems the pair have had meetings before, and the knight is eager to continue their relationship - particularly as he has recently been reassigned to Takari Peak. Eva magically persuades the Commander to wait for her upstairs, as she sneaks out and away from the fool.   The following morning, the group head south. The journey is peaceful, with only some strange lights to the east worthy of note.   Outside of Chimuk, a farmer informs the group of a new church in town, the Church of Sol. The town's resident druid went missing some time ago, and the crops deteriorated. The new church appeared and restored the lands, and farming continued.   Using her owl familiar, Leah scouts the town from above. The market is plentiful and nothing stands out as being wrong - other than some cherry trees in blossom at the wrong time of year.   Godric knocks at the gate, and a Knight lets the party in. They are immediately escorted to the Knights HQ, where they are met by Commander Owen, who doesn't seem best pleased to see them...
Report Date
09 Aug 2019


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