BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 26

General Summary

16th Fitin 1870 KCB.   Venturing deeper into the watery tunnels beneath Vodas, Collective Action opts to explore the western passage next. Along the way, they discover a cavern teeming with large eggs, most of which have long since hatched or perished. Putting this disturbing revelation aside, they return to the tunnels and press on...   The water gradually clears as they swim onwards, eventually turning to fresh water. After a few hours of swimming, they emerge at the bottom of a vast lake. The party quickly heads to the surface and spots a nearby islet, yet, their journey is disrupted by a sudden disturbance in the water—a giant sapphire-scaled snake emerges, attacking the party with formidable magical prowess. The party surmise that this must be Saquilora, one of the beings Nobanion warned them of...   In a frenzied aquatic battle, the adventurers find themselves ensnared by walls of water, struggling against the relentless assault. As the situation grows dire, Saquilora conjures a powerful whirlpool, threatening to drag them all into the depths. Through sheer determination, the adventurers emerge victorious, defeating the serpent before it can claim them...   Saquilora retreats into the depths, before bursting from the water and rising into the sky. Ominous rain clouds gather above the island, heralding a torrential downpour. Resolved to return to the ruined city, the party encounters yet another memory from the past, this time witnessed by Meepo Jr. In the memory, the party witness a Kobold that seems to be Meepo Jr., although their companion claims that it's not him. The Kobold attempts to save a white dragon from an attacking adventuring party, before getting caught up in the battle and frozen solid...   Pressing onward, they then head east, swimming through the tunnels until they reach a cave permeated with the stench of death. Within lies a grim tableau of decay—dead bodies littering the cavern, a mix of long-forgotten small-folk and zombie pirates. Dispatching the undead foes with ease, the party loots the cave, uncovering intriguing treasures, including a cool pirate hat claimed by Meepo...   Emerging from the cave, with the skull of a Gnome in hand, they find themselves back on the familiar beach, with basecamp beckoning from the south. Deciding to retreat for the night, the party looks forward to unraveling more mysteries with the dawn.
Report Date
09 Feb 2024
Primary Location


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