BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 29

General Summary

The Unlikely Association and their travelling companions are ambushed by native "snake-people" in The Slithering Wilds as Godric and Eva find themselves slightly impaled in spike-traps. These strange natives, along with two giant snakes, attack the group, quickly taking down Harris Kanes, the mayor's aid, who really didn't want to be there in the first place.   Godric and Eva are helped out of their pits, and battle commences with the snake-people very slowly (thanks to Veda) rushing towards to the group. Crowd-controlled to the nine hells, the attackers do not fair too well and are dispatched with only a few injuries on the defenders side to speak of. A couple of the archers attempt to flee, but are cut down as they turn to run. The natives don't seem to be carrying much of interest, other than some finely made, if not crudely designed, weaponry.   The party heal up and continue southwards towards the Ruins of Akai. Along the way, Marty spots something stuck in the undergrowth - a deck of cards. Tentatively, she pulls a card from the deck and is able to manipulate the image on the card with her mind. The trickster cleric seems to have found an illusionary trick deck.   As the group get closer to the ruins site, Weddy McDowel takes point and reveals a hidden cave behind a wall of vines. Moving to the back of the small cave, Weddy reveals a secret door in the stone - which is already open. Pushing the door further into the complex beyond, sounds of battle can be heard. Atlas sneaks ahead whilst the rest of the group wait in the cave. The roguish artificer spies the combatants; a group of the native snake-people seem to have found their way in, and are battling with what appear to be undead guardians. A couple of the snake-folk are attempting to open a large door towards the back, to no avail, and it seems like the guardians are gaining the upper hand.   Atlas sneaks back to the group, relaying what he has seen. It is decided that the best course of action would be to let the two groups weaken each other before entering, and so the party take a short rest. The hired guards, Hespé and Ida have remained outside the cave by this point, apparently instructed to keep guard of the entrance. Harris decides to also stay behind, recounting his familiar one-liner. During the rest, Weddy reveals what she found when her group made it to the ruins the first time. She produces a long staff from a Bag of Holding, which she has identified as being a Staff of Charming. With the staff out of the bag, Atlas spots that the leader of the undead guardian's attention shifts - towards the group. It slowly begins approaching the small cave, with the other guardians in tow.   The party head out to meet their attackers, as the leader of the undead rushes forward - seemingly ignoring everyone except for Weddy. The guardian proclaims that Weddy should return what was taken, and proceeds to paralyse the young explorer with some sort of innate magic. Leah teleports Weddy out of harms way, and the guardian turns in anger, apparently taking in the others for the first time. By this point, the creature has already taken some large hits, and it doesn't take much to finish off the undead - who had already been weakened by the snake-people.   With the leader's demise, the remainder of the guardians also topple. The group move into the chamber beyond, finding the walls of the large room covered in carvings of various people. Some of the carvings are identified as being of the goddesses, whilst others remain unidentifiable. Most of the depictions do seem to be carrying or wearing items of importance however. In the middle of the room is a pedestal, which is apparently where Weddy took the Staff of Charming from before. Above the door at the back of the room, an inscription is written in Ancient Kuretian:   "Seeker of truth, enter here with open heart and open mind. These trials require faith and honesty; you may unravel the truth, but will the truth unravel you."   Spying a hole in the door, Leah inserts the Staff of Charming and the doors slide up into the stone work. Beyond the door, an ornate elevator waits for the group. The elevator has a number of slots in a panel, one of which seems to be for the Staff of Charming once more. At this point, Reena leaves the group - her job of escort completed - and goes to join the bodyguards at the entrance.   The group board the elevator, and inserting the staff once more, they descend into the temple. As the elevator comes to a stop, the group find themselves in a chamber bathed in soft pink light, emanating from floating orbs of magic. The chamber splits into four directions; one of which has caved in. On one side of the elevator sits a pool of water. The opposite side seems to be an art gallery, with statues and paintings depicting scenes of strong emotions. Towards the north, a corridor with six alcoves ends with another pedestal, similar to the one on the level above.   Leah moves into the gallery section, as the sound of giggling begins echoing through the chamber. Appearing out of thin air, three beautiful female creatures begin laughing towards the back of the gallery, though seemingly unaware of the party. Eva moves towards the pool of water, as she does so, the three creatures rush past everyone and lay around the pool protectively. The water supposedly sustains these creatures, who appear quite malnourished. As they look upon Eva, one of the creatures comments on her beauty and decides to offer the singer a cup of the water - which glows with faint transmutation magic to her eyes. Drinking the water, Eva begins to feel weak, leaning against the wall for support. As she comes back to her senses however, she somehow feels even more charismatic than before.   Leah and Atlas move towards the alcoves, which each contain a mirror. The pedestal at the end of the chamber has more Ancient Kuretian carved into it and reads:   "Reveal thyself before the truth unravels you".   Atlas stands in front of one of the mirrors, transforming into his true appearance. As he stares into the mirror, he sees the ghost of Elena over his shoulder as he is pulled into the mirror. Leah and the rest of the group watch from outside, as Atlas is presented with a new reality.   He sees Elena, his former love, surrounded by people she seems to love and care for her. He then witnesses himself drag Elena away from everyone, shoving her into a cage as she is kicking and screaming. As the vision fades, the ghost appears before Atlas once more, asking why he did what he did. As Atlas confesses his feelings and his sorrow, he is shoved out of the mirror once more... perhaps beginning the activation ritual required to pass the Challenge of Adonia.

Rewards Granted

  • Staff of Charming
Report Date
26 Jun 2020
Primary Location
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