BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 5

General Summary

Having left the mayor's estate - with an invitation to a party the following evening - Veda and Godric immediately get into an argument over where the evidence from Chimuk should go. Veda wishes to take the evidence to her father in the college, and provide copies to the Order of the Shield. Godric wishes for the originals to be taken in as evidence. As Veda tries to run, Godric tackles her to the ground, and is then paralysed by Marty.   Valen emerges from the mayor's estate at this point, having heard the arguing from inside, and tells the group that the evidence should be taken to the Knights to be properly processed. Once the investigation is completed, the books can be released to the college or university if they have any historical or magical relevance. Valen escorts the two tieflings back to the Knight's HQ where they are introduced to the new commander - Ariadne Nightsbridge, who has recently replaced the foolish Ewan Janson.   Valen gives her account of what transpired in Chimuk, and Veda begrudgingly hands over the evidence. Annoyed at her treatment at Godric's hands, Veda lodges a formal complaint - which Ariadne addresses with the templar in private. Once alone, Ariadne congratulates Godric on a job well done, and gives him leave to continue working with this new group of adventurers, provided he keep an eye on their activity, and keeps them within the law. Godric persuades the new commander to allow him to take a magical notebook, in order to relay anything back to the HQ immediately.   The rest of the group make their way to The Lover's Nest for some drinks, and to discuss what they're doing next.   On the way, they speak to a town crier who shares some interesting gossip about the disappearance of Princess Irena and Ursa - rumours suggesting they have run away together, making a total of 3 missing princesses now. This is all hearsay of course.   At the tavern, the crew proceed to get rather drunk and talk mostly about Godric. The tiefling Lust, who runs the establishment, also shares her thoughts on the unusual templar.   Eventually Veda and Godric join the rest of their party at the tavern - after a quick stop on Veda's part to her father, in order to drop off the copies of the evidence from Chimuk, and discuss some personal matters.   All together once more, the group decide that they should investigate the murders in the city tomorrow, before meeting at Veda's mother's shop to buy clothes for the mayor's party. Godric and Leah take a moment to talk in private - both admitting that they need the other's help for something. Godric would like Leah to speak to his tiger, Hope, at some point. Leah would like Godric's help in investigating the Deddo Forest, where the somewhat fanciful Shadow Witches are apparently active.   The following day, the group meet up in The Water Dragon Tavern for brunch, before heading to the Knight's HQ to meet with the investigator on the serial killer case. There they meet with Gerry Skipleaf, a quick-talking halfling who has been investigating the murders. With some convincing, the halfing agrees to let the group help with the investigation - paying them each 1GP up front, with a reward promised for any breaks in the case, or indeed solving it.   From there, the party split up to investigate the various scenes of the crime, and other places of interest to the case...
Report Date
27 Sep 2019


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