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Eternal Keepers

  The Eternal Keepers, more commonly known as The Church of Pulcra, focus their tenants on the afterlife and the idea of life beyond death.   They believe that their duties include the guarding or protecting of the souls of the deceased. The order believes in the eternal nature of the soul, and that death is not the end, but merely a passage to another existence.   The order is known for their reverence for the dead, their ability to guide souls to the afterlife, and their understanding of the delicate balance between life and death. The Eternal Keepers are often responsible for maintaining graveyards, overseeing funeral rites, and providing spiritual guidance to those who mourn.   The clergy of Pulcra's church are known as "Soul Guides". The Soul Guides are known to offer counsel and spiritual support to those who mourn, as well as perform rituals and ceremonies to honour the deceased and guide their souls to the afterlife.


Soul Guides
Religious, Holy Order
Alternative Names
Church of Pulcra
Notable Members


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