BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

House Rules

Character Creation


Rolling Your Character

  When you roll stats for a new character, you may roll 2 sets of stats and pick whichever one you prefer.  
  • This should hopefully avoid anyone ending up with a severely under-powered character.
  • Once your stats are rolled, if your total ability score modifiers are less than +4, roll again. If they are above +8, adjust your scores as you see fit so that they are maximum +8.

  • Lucky Feat

      Is banned. You can still be lucky if you play a halfling, or my homebrew Luck Domain cleric subclass.  
  • As great as the Lucky feat can be, I think removing it as an option will make for more interesting outcomes and roleplaying opportunities.

  • Extra Cantrip

    Provided you have an Intelligence score of at least 13, and regardless of your chosen class, you may choose one Cantrip from the Wizard spell list and add it to your list of known spells. This cantrip must be relevant to your backstory (e.g. a miner knows the 'Light' cantrip).  
  • Although true spellcasters are rare in this world, natural magic is prevalent. These cantrips are often referred to as 'Common Magic'.

  • Levelling

    We will be using the Milestone method for levelling up.  
  • This means everybody will be the same level at all times, regardless of a player missing games, or completing personal quests.

  • Hit Points

    When rolling hit dice for a level up, you may re-roll a 1, as many times as necessary.  
  • Rolling a 1 for hit points sucks.


    Pets, Familiars & Summoned Creatures

    And any other type of companion act on the controlling player's initiative. They may take their turn either before or after the player, but not at the same time.  
  • This will make combat a bit easier to manage.
  • The creature must take its full turn before or after the player, this is a compromise to the official rule which would put the creature on its own initiative.
  • Held actions may be required to pull off a combo with your pet. (e.g. "I hold an attack until my horse puts me in range")

  • Critical Hits

    Critical Hits deal max dice damage + standard dice roll (+ modifiers). This rule applies to players and enemies.  


    When using a battle mat, you may gain advantage on melee attacks against an enemy if you are flanking them (on the opposite square to an ally when in melee with an enemy). Enemy creatures will also benefit from this.  
  • This adds an extra layer of tactics to combat, which could be fun.

  • Healing Potions

      Healing potions can be consumed as a bonus action but feeding it to another creature is still a full action.  
  • Previously we stuck to the official ruling for taking potions, as one of Erevan's Thief abilities allowed him to use potions as a bonus action, and I didn't want to nullify that class ability by giving it to everybody.


    Thrown Magical Weapons

    Magical weapons with the 'Thrown' property (e.g. daggers, spears, hand axes) will automatically have the 'returning' feature.  
  • This avoids you having to worry about throwing a magical weapon and potentially losing it or being unable to throw it again on your next turn.

  • True Proficiency

    When making a skill check with which you have proficiency, you may re-roll a 1, but one time only.  
  • It feels sucky when you roll a 1 in a skill that your character is meant to be good at, this should hopefully help with that.
  • This does NOT apply to saving throws or attack rolls.

  • Assisting Others

    You may only use the 'Help' action to assist another player if you have a positive modifier in the skill you wish to help them in.  
  • It just makes sense.

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