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(a.k.a. The Fair Witch of the Woods)

Medea; was a powerful witch who lived over 7000 years ago. During this time, humans were only just starting to build their civilisations, and Medea played a large part in their success - against the will of her fellow elves. The elves had not yet revealed themselves fully to humans at this time, and so Medea was seen as a mystical creature. Medea used her magic to aid the humans; by healing the sick, finding fertile land, and protecting them from magical beasts that would do them harm.   Over time Medea became known as 'The Fair Witch of the Woods'. As the years went on and humans began to advance their civilisations, they began to demand more of her. Not understanding her elven heritage, the humans demanded to know the secret of Medea's eternal youth. Unable to tell the humans about the elves living in Erfu Forest, Medea refused to tell them anything, even when they began to get violent.   Inevitably it seemed, Medea was assaulted by the humans who sought to learn her magical secrets through any means necessary. Medea was captured and taken prisoner by the humans, who utilised extreme methods of interrogation in order to steal her secrets.   Through it all, Medea refused to reveal anything of the elves, knowing that not only would it cause trouble for the fair folk, but it would ultimately spell disaster for the humans too. Medea used her own dagger to commit suicide, saving herself from any further torment and saving the humans from learning too much.   Stories of Medea are varied, some tell of her being a kind spirit who saved the humans from evil doers, others say she was an evil witch who sought to destroy the humans, but was ultimately defeated.   Rule Breaker was a magical dagger that had the ability to dispel magical effects. The dagger would float by the wielder's side, and could be thrown using the caster's willpower, rather than their strength.

Physical Description

Body Features

Short, slim

Apparel & Accessories

Dark robes
Divine Classification
Legendary Hero
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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