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Rhea was a powerful warrior who led the elves in their war against the humans, roughly 1800 years ago. Rhea was a skilled general of the elven army, and fought in many skirmishes against the humans.   The war began when the humans attempted to destroy the Erfu forest and capture the elves who resided within for their enhanced magic. During this time, elves were capable of casting much higher levels of magic than the other races, but they refused to share this knowledge with others for fear of what they may do with such power.   Knowing this, the humans led a war against the elves in an attempt to take their magical secrets by force. The elves were living in a much greater society, with magic used to improve their lifestyles. The humans however struggled to survive in many instances. As the human population grew, providing enough food was becoming difficult and the numerous magical creatures in Kureta were a constant threat. The elves' refusal to help forced the humans to take action.   During the war, Rhea was instrumental in defending the forest, her spear piercing the hearts of many human attackers. Her most heroic deed however came towards the end of the war. The elves had constructed a high-magic ritual that would eradicate the humans, ending their threat permanently. Rhea could not stand for this. She felt some sympathy for the humans, and their struggles to survive, and so she turned her powerful spear on her own kind - slaying the elves who would be the downfall of the humans.   For this treacherous act, Rhea was executed by the elves - seen as a traitor by her own kin. Her sacrifice was not in vain however. Seeing the error of their ways, a new plan was concocted. A new high-magic ritual was made that would forever erase the memories of the humans that sought the elves magic. To prevent such a war from occurring again, the elves began to integrate their kind into human society, bringing with them low-level magics that could help improve the humans' lives - such as improving food supplies and construction. The elves would forever keep their secrets of high level magic, and keep an eye on any signs of the humans gaining this knowledge on their own.   Bolgae was an incredibly accurate spear, that was also known as 'The Heartseeker'. It was believed to have an enchantment that would guide the spear tip to the heart of the wielder's foe. Bolgae was made of mithral, which made it incredibly light and durable.

Physical Description

Body Features

Average height, slim

Apparel & Accessories

Elven chainmail
Divine Classification
Legendary Hero
Platinum blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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