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Weapons and armour can be enchanted with runes. This practice is known as Sygaldry, and was first implemented by the dwarves.   There are many different runes, each applying a different effect to a weapon or piece of armour they are applied to.   A simple rune may apply a +1 magic bonus to a weapon or piece of armour, or apply elemental damage or resistance.   More advanced runes can apply unique abilities, such as spell-like effects or stat bonuses. These runes are harder to come by and as a result, cost much more to apply to an item.   With the help of Brunhilde, the dwarves have found a way of etching 2 runes onto weapons and armour. The item has to be of exceptional quality (e.g. made by them). They can apply a minor enchantment (+1/2/3) plus a more complicated rune. There is an additional 10% charge for applying 2 runes to 1 item.   (Note: Applying a spell to an item will require DM approval!)  

Basic Runes

Potency Name Type Effect Price
1 Sharpness Weapon (Slashing/Piercing) +1 Enchantment 300GP
2 Sharpness Weapon (Slashing/Piercing) +2 Enchantment 3,000GP
3 Sharpness Weapon (Slashing/Piercing) +3 Enchantment 30,000GP
1 Smashing Weapon (Bludgeoning) +1 Enchantment 300GP
2 Smashing Weapon (Bludgeoning) +2 Enchantment 3,000GP
3 Smashing Weapon (Bludgeoning) +3 Enchantment 30,000GP
1 Protection Armour +1 Enchantment 400GP
2 Protection Armour +2 Enchantment 4,000GP
3 Protection Armour +3 Enchantment 40,000GP
1 Elemental (Fire/Frost/Acid/Lightning) Weapon +1d4 Damage 400GP
2 Elemental (Fire/Frost/Acid/Lightning) Weapon +1d6 Damage 600GP
3 Elemental (Fire/Frost/Acid/Lightning) Weapon +1d8 Damage 800GP
4 Elemental (Fire/Frost/Acid/Lightning) Weapon +1d10 Damage 1,000GP
5 Elemental (Fire/Frost/Acid/Lightning) Weapon +1d12 Damage 1,200GP
1 Elemental (Fire/Frost/Acid/Lightning) Armour Elemental Resistance 4,000GP (Attunement)

Advanced Runes

Potency Name Type Effect Price
1 Bull Weapon/Armour +1 Stength 2,000GP (Attunement)
2 Bull Weapon/Armour +2 Stength 4,500GP (Attunement)
1 Cat Weapon/Armour +1 Dexterity 2,000GP (Attunement)
2 Cat Weapon/Armour +2 Dexterity 4,500GP (Attunement)
1 Ox Weapon/Armour +1 Constitution 2,000GP (Attunement)
2 Ox Weapon/Armour +2 Constitution 4,500GP (Attunement)
1 Raven Weapon/Armour +1 Intelligence 2,000GP (Attunement)
2 Raven Weapon/Armour +2 Intelligence 4,500GP (Attunement)
1 Owl Weapon/Armour +1 Wisdom 2,000GP (Attunement)
2 Owl Weapon/Armour +2 Wisdom 4,500GP (Attunement)
1 Peacock Weapon/Armour +1 Charisma 2,000GP (Attunement)
2 Peacock Weapon/Armour +2 Charisma 4,500GP (Attunement)
1 Finesse Weapon/Armour Skill Check Advantage (1 Skill) 600GP

Spell Runes

Potency Spell Level Charges Save DC Attack Bonus Price
1 Cantrip 1 13 +5 100GP
2 Cantrip 2 14 +6 300GP
3 Cantrip 3 15 +7 700GP
1 1st 1 13 +5 250GP
2 1st 2 14 +6 750GP
3 1st 3 15 +7 1,750GP
1 2nd 1 13 +5 500GP (Attunement)
2 2nd 2 14 +6 1,500GP (Attunement)
3 2nd 3 15 +7 3,500GP (Attunement)
1 3rd 1 13 +5 1,000GP (Attunement)
2 3rd 2 14 +6 3,000GP (Attunement)
3 3rd 3 15 +7 7,000GP (Attunement)
1 4th 1 13 +5 4,000GP (Attunement)
2 4th 2 14 +6 12,000GP (Attunement)
1 5th 1 14 +6 9,000GP (Attunement)
1 6th 1 15 +7 20,000GP (Attunement)

Special Runes

Rune Name Weapon Effect Armour Effect Price
Angelic Protection +1d6 Radiant Damage Necrotic Resistance 600 / 4,000GP (Attunement)

Bow (Ranged weapon only) No disadvantage on long range attacks n/a 400GP

Crown Cast Compelled Duel 2/day n/a 600GP

Duplicate Can make additional attack against target within 5ft of original Cast Mirror Image 1/day 500GP / 450GP

Summoning Conjure Animals 1/day Conjure Animals 1/day 900GP
Viper +1d6 Poison damage Poison Resistance 600 / 4,000GP (Attunement)

Barrier n/a Resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage from non-magical weapons 3,500GP (Attunement)

Butterfly Gain 'light' property (or remove 'heavy' property) Gain 40ft fly speed for 1 minute (1/day) 500 / 600GP

Devil +1d6 Necrotic damage + max HP reduced Resistance to Radiant + Fire damage 900 / 6,000GP (Attunement)

Elephant Summon an Elephant 1/day Cast Stoneskin 1/day 3,000GP (Attunement)

Harvest Recover HP = half damage dealt (Max 10HP) Roll 1 additional die when receiving healing 1,500 / 2,000GP

Mountain (Bludgeoning weapon only) Additional 3 bludgeoning damage Cast Enlarge on self 3/day 700 / 2,500GP (Attunement)

Music Cast Vicious Mockery at 11th level (3d4) 3/day Permanent Heroism spell 2,000 GP (Attunement)

Scrying Cast Scry 1/day Cast Scry 1/day 7,000GP

Sight Cast Darkness 1/day (caster can see still) Cast True Sight 1/day 600 / 15,000GP (Attunement)

Elemental Summoning Conjure Elemental 1/day Conjure Elemental 1/day 8,000GP (Attunement)

Sunsword Weapon becomes a Sunsword for 10 mins, 1/day n/a 2,000GP (Attunement)

Anti Magic Cast Dispel Magic 3/day Advantage on saves vs. magic 6,500GP (Attunement) / 8,000GP (Attunement)

Chaos On a critical hit, roll on wild magic chart Random resistance each day 500 / 3,700GP (Attunement)

Charm Cast Charm Person, Dominate Person (1/day each) Advantage on save vs. charm 8,500GP (Attunement) / 2,000GP (Attunement)

Fireball Cast Fireball 3/day Immune to Fireballs 6,000GP (Attunement) / 1,000GP (Attunement)

Mortona Cast Finger of Death 1/day Permanent Death Ward spell (reset at dawn) 30,000GP (Attunement) / 3,750GP (Attunement)

Piercing (Piercing weapons only) Additional 5 piercing damage Immune to piercing damage 900 / 6,000GP (Attunement)

Portal Cast Banishment 1/day Cast Dimension Door (Self only) 1/day 3,500GP (Attunement) / 3,000GP (Attunement)

Siren INT save or stunned until start of your next turn (3/day) Immune to charm 2,000GP (Attunement) / 4,000GP (Attunement)

Sky Cast Flame Strike 2/day Permanent 60ft fly speed 13,000GP (Attunement) / 9,000GP (Attunement)

Wind Cast Investiture of Wind 1/day Cast Wind Walk 1/day (self only) 15,000GP (Attunement) / 5,000GP (Attunement)

Wings Convert Weapon to Dancing Sword for 1 hour, 1/day n/a 20,000GP (Attunement)


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